They are both some of my favorite characters on the show. lol
So I was all confused when he said no black people. I think he is just assuming and probably doesn't even watch the show.
You're not wrong, I think orca were originally elves in the mythos of something, but idk, are the orcs in LOTR supposed to be black creatures (don't take that out of context), or are these guys genuinely black actors?
To be fair, in lord of the rings, you wouldn't have anyone of a higher melatonin concentration because the genetic need for better sun resistance wasn't there. So unless they decided to add a new area to the "universe" and improve technology to the point where travel between the two places was easy enough that you would have a steady flow of people back and forth, the situation wouldn't typically arise, scientifically speaking... I think
Yes. Let's fill medieval fantasy universes that take place in europe-like locations, in cold, low-sun climates, and fill them with non-white people. Though if the location was africa-like, casting white actors would be shameful.
okay, chakun, youre now never allowed to criticise any product, service, or any form of media because you should just do it yourself if you have a problem with it. if your government is oppressive, you cant complain, you can just make your own government! if you dont like something about a movie, you shouldnt critique it, you should just produce your own multi-million dollar movie with a hundred person production team... you idiot!
Well, fine, if you are lucky enough to not experience a few assholes who try to get in the way of your project, then yeah, not a physical person is in your way. That doesn't mean you are capable of doing whatever you want tho
Well, if I were to look ahead, there could be financial problems, school problems, lack of motivation, mental health issues, not being accepted into any good colleges, and that's all I can think of off of the top of my head
Then don't look ahead, dude. What can you do, today, to help reach your goal?
· 7 years ago
I see were you guys are coming from, and I realize I must seem like a total downer and I apologize. I just don't think everything is acceiveable with certain circumstances. Thank you for being optimistic though, I just don't see things the same
I take my comment back. Grey worm is bae
So I was all confused when he said no black people. I think he is just assuming and probably doesn't even watch the show.