Nah. Not knowing if you look good or not is the bad thing. Not having human contact outside of immediate family, e.g. my brother and mother, will completely screw over your view of what looks good. Combine that with the insecure phase of a teenager and oh boy.
Here's an interesting story. I was once out with my female friend at her work where she had a creeper customer. He came in and started creeping on her and I was like h-h-h-ey man how you doin? And he looked at me weird and walked out.
I'm wondering how many people are going to make excuses for these guys. "They're just being nice," "she just needs to learn how to take a compliment." There will always be people who disregard what a woman says for some fantasy that she is wrong and just doesn't know it.
Catcalls is not fucking compliment
When I walk in the bathroom and someone goes ''that's a cute dress!'' That's a compliment
When I make my way down the street and they go ''hhhmmmm nice *body part*'' that isn't
The way those people look at you and go hmmm like they would eat you alive, like they see some sort of meatbag
I dont give a fuck how you're telling me they're just being ''nice'', no one wants that kind of nice
· 7 years ago
First guy looks kinda like Joe Rogan
· 7 years ago
I've honestly never understood the appeal of catcalling. When I see a pretty girl walk by, sure, I'm gonna look, and I'm gonna think to myself "Damn, she's hot" or something along thise lines. But why the fuck would anyone feel the need to vocalise that thought towards the someone you don't know?! If you're walking with friends and you say it to them after she's out of sight that's understandable, but why bother someone you don't even know with that kinda shit
And really, what do these guys expect? One odd comment and they get a girlfriend or something? Such men make everyone else look bad. I swear there are some nice men out there, really!
· 7 years ago
I feel like the wrath of the internet is going to worse than the actual catcalling.
Not saying that what these guys did wasn't wrong, but damn is it going to cause some shit.
Interesting that OP clarified that the lady is "beautiful" for us in the title...
· 7 years ago
If you ask yourself, if what you're planning to say or do is creepy and uncalled for, the answer is probably yes. If not, ask yourself if it'd be fine for you if anyone would say or do exactly that to your daughter/mother/sister.
I tell you what is nice.
Telling Every passerby that they look gorgeous, lovely, confident, smart, etc today. That is nice. That gives them a moral boost. That makes their day.
YO GURL YOU THICCCC!That is just fucking pathetic, just like you.
From what I've heard, it seems mostly women are told to smile if they have resting bitch face. The people I've heard get annoyed at people thinking they have a right to see a smile. I haven't really seen it cuz I smile like a goof all the time anyway so I don't get told that lol.
The problem is when it happens to you continuously, even an innocuous comment becomes offensive because the expectation is that it means something else. Besides, does a complete stranger know anything about your day or your life? Maybe you have a good reason to be in a shitty mood and it's not up to anyone else to dictate that you should be acting otherwise. Just saying.
Oh shut uuuup! It's a compliment! Ignore and move on. No threats, no physical attacks, just guys admiring. Your only a victim because you want to be. Taking time out of your life to go through all the trouble to bitch about being a very attractive person. Congratulations on your horrible life!
User who was too cowardly to voice their honest opinion?
Or just some idiot rando ranting about something they'll never know about because they're piss-ugly.
Only YOU can decide.
him- "hey girl, where are you going?"
her- "home..."
him- "can we come along. Where do you live? I think we can do fun things together"
When I walk in the bathroom and someone goes ''that's a cute dress!'' That's a compliment
When I make my way down the street and they go ''hhhmmmm nice *body part*'' that isn't
The way those people look at you and go hmmm like they would eat you alive, like they see some sort of meatbag
I dont give a fuck how you're telling me they're just being ''nice'', no one wants that kind of nice
Not saying that what these guys did wasn't wrong, but damn is it going to cause some shit.
Telling Every passerby that they look gorgeous, lovely, confident, smart, etc today. That is nice. That gives them a moral boost. That makes their day.
YO GURL YOU THICCCC!That is just fucking pathetic, just like you.
Personally I don't see her that pretty or beautiful
But people catcall literally anyone, not just attractive people
User who was too cowardly to voice their honest opinion?
Or just some idiot rando ranting about something they'll never know about because they're piss-ugly.
Only YOU can decide.