nigga this may be a meme site but it dont mean serious stuff doesnt get posted all the time and sorry to say your "dark humor" is kinda hard to catch especially since it doesnt seem very humorous
Interesting that you are appalled by a joke about pedos getting justice but you were okay with the word “nigga”. I gave zero fucks about the deceased pedos that ruined countless lives but was troubled by your casual use of a racial slur that I would be admonished for uttering.
Nigga is a noun used to refer to a member of any race in a friendly way. What is the issue?
Being a pedophile doesn't mean you have preform sexual abuse. Pedophilia simply means that they are unwillingly attracted to children in the same way that homosexuals are attracted to their own gender. It is completely involuntary and in no way means that they have committed any crime.
But ignoring that: How do you know they were pedophilies? On his word? What if he was wrong? What if they were innocent? This is why we have a justice system. You don't just go around and murdering people who you merely suspect is doing something evil.
That is for safety reasons for known convicts who have likely reformed and are almost certainly not pedophiles. Only 27-40% of all child molesters are pedophiles. That means more than half of all child molesters aren't pedophiles. But your ignorance of the sexuality of others is unimportant right now.
So? That means that these people have served their punishment and are innocent citizens who are likely receiving help or have already received the help they need. To kill any of them is murder.
To kill any human is murder. Why you killed them doesn't matter. You killed someone. There is only one reason to every kill someone: They are an immediate threat to others and the only way to stop them without putting another at risk is to kill them. That is the ONLY reason.
· 7 years ago
Sir_spiderman is right. Taking law in your own hands is never an option until done for self-defence. If he had tracked them down then he should gone to the police with all his evidence. Police can never say no to investigate a case with a Shit load of evidence. They would have been convicted lawfully. Pedophiles or not. Nobody deserves to be judged and punished by a person who isn't with law enforcement.
Holy shit, you’re getting way too butthurt about a joke.
“Only 27-40% of all child molesters are pedophiles. That means more than half of all child molesters aren't pedophiles. But your ignorance of the sexuality of others is unimportant right now.” Are you somehow trying to normalize pedophilia by calling it somebody’s “sexuality”?
· 7 years ago
It's not about getting butthurt. It's about people thinking that he did the right thing,which is not true. He is a criminal.
The joke is indeed really funny. But people should not think that this is the right way. That's all I want to say.
Pedophilia is a sexuality. If you disagree then go write a research paper about why you disagree with all of psychology and even the very definition of a sexual orientation.
· 7 years ago
And this all surely looks and sounds good in superhero tales and movies. But here we are in the reality where the people, who when die create certain effect on a lots of people. Hell, even superheroes give them criminals to the police... Always be a law abiding citizen. Not "take the law in my hand" citizen.
And I get that vigilantism is wrong. That horse is dead, stop beating it. (Unless somebody kills my parents and leaves me orphaned, then I will hunt that pos for the rest of my day’s intent on destroying xi.)
· 7 years ago
You get it. Just making it more clear for the people out there. And that was my last comment regarding that.
So idk bout all of this but referring back to the word nigga I hardly see the issue with using it. First off the way I used it by no means was to demean a racial group and in fact i didnt even use it against a black person. Second I find it hard to believe that every slur on the planet is acceptable except the term nigga like I could say almost any other slur causally and no one would care but I say nigga and I get back lash. Ya'll choose to put such power into a simple word and im not saying "oh my gosh you stupid nigger" im simply using it to emphasis my disbelief in what he is saying and starting a conversation.
He murdered people who could have been innocent. Regardless of whether they actually committed any crimes he killed people. We have a justice system so stuff like this doesn't happen. He could have been misinformed. He could have been lying and they weren't pedophiles. He illegally murdered other humans. He even admits that the first person he killed wasn't even a pedophile. He admits to planning and tracking him down.
He should be punished as harshly as possible for the murder of who knows how many people.
When God made a flood to kill every animal except a pair of male and females of every species, God was still a hero. No one even questions whenever we should still worship God...
@kouyaaotsuki- Also not sure if you are also aware of this- but most systems which believe in god believe in an all seeing all knowing god. So if they did believe in god that's sorta like a little kid saying their parent is bad because they won't let them go play Xbox in a strangers van.
Wait do you mean? Do you mean that we should always trust powerful people even when we know that they're wrong? Because that is the worst possible idea that has ever existed. Never buy into the "God works in mysterious ways" bull. You don't need to be omniscient to realize that the Earth isn't flat and neither is it 6000 years old.
Lol. I'm not arguing wether god or gods are real or not. A question was asked as to why certain people believe a certain thing- that is a big part of why in their belief. As to the rest- just as any other type of people the "religious" can be paragons of virtue or hypocrites, they can vehemently fight against established facts, or they can be some of our greatest scientific minds.
Yeah, no. If you have a knack for tracking those people down, you should've gone into law enforcement and helped make sure they spent years of their own personal Hell behind bars. Now you've killed barely a handful and you're in jail, when you could've eventually worked to retirement age and taken hundreds off the streets.
Homicide is not something to be applauded. While this man may have killed pedos, he is still killing people because he thinks it's right. Just because I think I'm the King of France, doesnt make it okay to overthrow the government
It's going to be terribly difficult to find an unbiased jury for that trial and even of they do he's still going to probably get away with all of it.
All his lawyer is going to have to do is play the "broken justice system" and ""the system failing to uphold victim's rights" cards and when the names are read of his alleged vicims, remind the jury with each name that they were a pedophile and rapist.
All the pedos in these comments outing themselves. "Serial killers are cool now? Okay." Yeah, sure, nice cover. God speed, pedo slayer, if you're real.
· 7 years ago
So if say he should be in jail, we ourselves are pedophiles? The fuck kind of sense does that make?
Please do elaborate on how being against mob mentality is the same as being a pedophile? I'm pretty sure one can desire to live in a world without pedophiles AND a world where people don't murder each other because they felt their personal idea of justice was better than that which a ruling judicial body could deliver. Either he personally decided people were pedophiles and murdered them for it, or grabbed names off a list of people who had been through the justice system already. Also FYI this story is 100% fake.
"was better than that which a ruling judicial body could deliver"
yeah, our 100% corrupt judicial system is making your argument look real good
most of the time it protects the bad from the good, and damn near everybody knows it
the system can never be perfect, if you look back at history and all over the world people have complaints about their justice systems. Is your argument that because the justice system is far from perfect that we are better off trusting the judgement of one man, elected by no one, answerable to no one in the performance of his personal version of justice? If the justice system is 100% corrupt or anywhere near that, including police, would you feel more comfortable if instead of police and judges each area was the authority of whatever locals decided as individuals they felt was justice? how fo you know what will get you killed in one neighborhood or the next? There's no chance that individuals given absolute power of judge jury and executioner might be more corrupt than the already corrupt system that at lease has checks to help limit corruption? Or is your idea the strong do as they please and the weak are at their mercy?
Okay, but is no one going to mention "this girl I was dating" being killed is what started him killing pedophiles? I mean, if he was dating someone young enough that they were the target of a pedophile....
@sir_spiderman Attraction to children is not a sexual orientation. It is classified as a paraphillia. Not diagnosable until distress is present or it is acted upon, but not a sexuality. The following is a diagnosable mental disorder:
F65.4 pedophilic disorder
A. An individual who has had arousing fantasies about, urges for, or behaviors with a prepubescent child or children.
B. The individual has acted out these sexual desires, or is experiencing significant distress or difficulty as a result of these desires.
C. The Individual is 16 years of age, and at least five years older than the child or children noted in Criterion A. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
This is in no way excusing pedophillia because it is a disorder, any more than alcohol use disorder excuses someone who kills another while driving drunk.
Im not justifying pedophilia as anything but disgusting, and a sickness. That said- homosexuality and inter racial relationships have long been crimes in history and in many places still are. Many consider them on par with pedophilia as subhuman. What I'm saying is that perceptions change in time. We already see a shift to viewing pedophiles as in need of treatment versus simply punishing them for their dispicable acts. My point is that regardless of how we classify something or view it as a society, we must always impartially protect the rights of all people, possible most of all those we see as "low." Who and what we see as worthy of our worst punishments and contempt change, but we can't alter the treatment of one individuals rights simply by how we feel about them. They may have disregarded the rights of another themselves, but if we then do the same we are no better. It has nothing to do with sympathy or support- we didn't choose who they are be but we do choose who we are.
The American Psychological Association AND the DSM-5 states that pedophilia as a sexual orientation or a sexual interest and both the terms are synonymous. Where exactly are you getting this information @metaanalysis?
A life is life no matter whose it is , I understand his motives but that's a lot of blood to have on ones hands . All crimes are judged the same in the afterlife.
Being a pedophile doesn't mean you have preform sexual abuse. Pedophilia simply means that they are unwillingly attracted to children in the same way that homosexuals are attracted to their own gender. It is completely involuntary and in no way means that they have committed any crime.
But ignoring that: How do you know they were pedophilies? On his word? What if he was wrong? What if they were innocent? This is why we have a justice system. You don't just go around and murdering people who you merely suspect is doing something evil.
So? That means that these people have served their punishment and are innocent citizens who are likely receiving help or have already received the help they need. To kill any of them is murder.
To kill any human is murder. Why you killed them doesn't matter. You killed someone. There is only one reason to every kill someone: They are an immediate threat to others and the only way to stop them without putting another at risk is to kill them. That is the ONLY reason.
“Only 27-40% of all child molesters are pedophiles. That means more than half of all child molesters aren't pedophiles. But your ignorance of the sexuality of others is unimportant right now.” Are you somehow trying to normalize pedophilia by calling it somebody’s “sexuality”?
The joke is indeed really funny. But people should not think that this is the right way. That's all I want to say.
He should be punished as harshly as possible for the murder of who knows how many people.
We call those people atheists or skeptics.
All his lawyer is going to have to do is play the "broken justice system" and ""the system failing to uphold victim's rights" cards and when the names are read of his alleged vicims, remind the jury with each name that they were a pedophile and rapist.
yeah, our 100% corrupt judicial system is making your argument look real good
most of the time it protects the bad from the good, and damn near everybody knows it
F65.4 pedophilic disorder
A. An individual who has had arousing fantasies about, urges for, or behaviors with a prepubescent child or children.
B. The individual has acted out these sexual desires, or is experiencing significant distress or difficulty as a result of these desires.
C. The Individual is 16 years of age, and at least five years older than the child or children noted in Criterion A. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
This is in no way excusing pedophillia because it is a disorder, any more than alcohol use disorder excuses someone who kills another while driving drunk.