Ive seen some of these where I went "again?" And they weren't too good, but I've seen some real good ones too so I'm ok with it. It's not so much political humor as generic humor about a politician. It has no political stance or agenda. Both Bushes, Carter (for his brother) Bill Clinton, etc were all mocked as being idiots. You'll find they all were mocked as childish in maturity, shady, etc. mocking the standing president goes back almost as far as the office, and mocking heads of state has been a thing even longer. If you look you'll see rephrasings of jokes from the 1800's on about the president still in use, and I've heard the same joke through 4 administrations where people just changed the names and a few details and used it on the president. Being president means people won't like you, people love and hate Bieber too but making fun of him doesn't mean their saying you should listen to One Direction or whatever. It just means he's a public figure.
Political jokes are fine in very small doses but lately it's like getting force fed a thousand gallons a minute from both ends! Frankly its getting extremely stale its like shooting fish in a barrel with a damn howitzer! Find another subject already!
· 7 years ago
It's more like shooting minnows in a shot glass with a nuclear bomb.
We don't tell you what to post, so why tell someone else what to post? Just because y'all may not find it funny does not mean everyone else agrees. That's the great thing about humor. There is something out there for everyone.
It's like the Kardashians. Some people like it knowing what they are for breakfast, some people wish they disappeared from earth, a lot fall in the middle. End of the day it's different strokes for different folks. If I don't want to see something I just scroll past it.
Past Presidents didn't make it this easy, which ironically is why I'm getting annoyed by the Trump stuff... it's just way too easy... he's a fucking moron and I don't want to be reminded every damn day. It's been over a year and I have yet to just have a a "Trumpless" day. Trump himself won't let that happen though. He does stupid shit every 1-2 days, sometimes multiple things in the same day. So... no, I don't like Trump as president, but I am sick of this shit... but what I'm sick of could easily be stopped if Trump just stfu for once.
I am onboard for a Trumpless day. I serious do not think I haven't heard his name or something about him a single day- if not all year then maybe even since he started his campaign. Intentional or not he's got one smart thing- that. He's a brand. Very little he does he does on his own money. People pay for him- the person/brand. He's on everyone's tongue and mind and that works well for him because love or hate- repetition is recognition and he has a name that can draw atttention which is key to any brand. I would like to see some more interesting takes on the humor though than just "he's dumb." Someone asked me if he could be impeached if found mentally unsound- with his random tweets and the stuff that comes out of his mouth how would you tell if he had dementia? Like him or hate him one must admit that he does and says some very "unconventional" things. So yeah- if people want to bag on him I would like to see some more clever takes and angles.
He can be removed without being impeached, 25th amendment, which was ratified after Kennedy's death. It wouldn't be under the actual purpose of the amendment, but mental competency is covered... and if he failed it wouldn't be that hard to remove him; especially since everyone around him has called him some variation of a "fucking moron".
It would be interesting. Moron is subjective though so it may be a hard push. Of course that would likely mean president Pence, and half morons can be dangerously effective compared to complete morons.
Sadly... memory loss, confusion in the evening hours (covfefe?), making things up, mental confusion, mood swings, paranoia... Reagan hid his dementia and the man acted like a normal human most of his life before that. Compare to Trump who could be shown exhibiting these symptoms for a looong time. Basically no one would be too surprised if he tweeted "robot spider monkeys" "Korea stole my toes" or "I just made the biggest poop." If he called a foreign dignitary a lizzard man clone, or insisted no one in his circle wore hats because they hide cameras. You could likely prove he had mental problems 10 years ago, I'm not sure diagnosing what's wrong with him would really effect things much.
Yeah. Whatever anyone thinks about him as a person or a president I can say this: Donald Trump has always been very good to Donald Trump, and generally very bad for anyone in business or investing in him.
There was once a gardener for the king. He spent his days tending the soil and composting fertilizer. The king would ask why he had no flowers for the queen and the gardener would tell Him be patient. The king grew tired of this and He called the gardener to him and fired him. He hired a new gardener. Within weeks of his start the seeds the other gardener planted and cared for flowered from the fertile and well kept grounds into a beautiful garden. The king gave the second one a medal for he had "done in weeks" what the other hadn't in months. That gardener quit that season and a new one, the greatest gardener of all time came. The second gardener had been terrible and lazy. The flowers died and rhe 3rd gardeners best efforts couldn't bring them back. The king fired him and hired a new one who was able to plant the refertilized soil and was given a medal..... and so on.
I'll admit that it isn't entirely what's been going on. It would be ridiculous to suggest everything that has happened the last year was entirely or based on the work of the previous administration. It would also be equally ridiculous to suggest that some of what has happened isn't. Or that it isn't related in a meaningful way to the president at all. Considering many of the economic improvements we've seen are global changes, and considering that large scale things take time to shift directions in response to changes, we haven't even begun to see any,let alone the true effects of things yet, and we can't gauge the long term "success" vs short term gain until at least the next election term. Many would point at what are seen as erosions of civil rights or other "intolerant" policies as regressions they may not feel are offset by the gains. We've also seen no real progress on any of the issues campaigned on, but it's only the first year so it's too early to really judge him on that yet.
@guest_ has the right point though. Trump hasn't passed a budget yet; the only effect he's had on the economy are a few immediate rollback executive orders from the EPA... Everything else either hasn't gone into effect yet or was inconsequential. We're still in Obama's economy.
at least he's not as lazy as obama was...
it's a sad day when a good amount of Americans have no love for it's own president...
shaking my fucking head.
I just think it's kind of bullshit that it's become popular to hate on somebody who is actually actively working to fix America's problems, even if his history wasn't the most innocent.
from 2008-2016 we have had a terrorist in the white house yet people barely said a thing...
i fucking hate people sometimes
It's been a sad day for a few hundred years then I suppose. Quite a few Americans were VERY unfond of Lincoln, Coolridge is only recently being remembered fondly in history as while popular for a time- a small "Great Depression" helped make him quite an unlocked man for many for very long, FDR was loved for what he did but disliked for much of what he was, Truman, well.. a lot of America hated him. When a governor tries to call the national guard to stop a presidential order of say that's big. Then there was Korea and so on. Nixon was so popular they had already been trying to impeach him before watergate broke and people still throw hate for loss of the gold standard. "Reaganomics" "Star wars" many loved Ronnie, but let's say a lot didn't. I seem to recall both Bushes being widely mocked and disliked, with Jr being subject to a Trump like media blitz and protests and boycotts of appearances and things tied to him. Calling Bill Clinton a great president still starts fights.
Well politics in general is always a case for cactus butt for a lot of people and as far as 'mainstream' media goes, well they are all owned by the 1% so if you do anything to piss in their wallets you're automatically gonna get the nth degree of shit from them. As far as the 'popularity polls' they always reference go they pad the hell out of those things to the extent that they only collect a small sample of positive (or negative, depending on the subject) votes depending on how said company is geared (if they hate a certain politician the go for the negative votes) the bad thing is most people either don't realize that or choose to ignore it.
By default most everything is owned by "the 1%" that's what 1% means. They own more than 99% of people. I'm glad we agree though. Mainstream, urine stream, any stream media or individual operating as a for profit entity will use its resources and power to safeguard its own interests and better its standing. If it has to knock others down to do that, it will. It's not there to do good or be nuetral or provide a service, it exists to make money and continue to profit. So 6.5 billion people and 2-3 thousand are worth over a billion dollars. They are so far in the 1% that it's a decimal percent that rounds to zero. The standing president is of course self claimed to be worth $10 billion, part of the 1% and a for profit entity who considers themselves a personal brand to the point of trademarking things they say, and selling their name. No politics, just facts. With the "Everyman" persona and "I'm here to help YOU" platform people also forget that.
I haven't met a politician yet that didn't have some ulterior motive in everything they do, hell even an everyman is going to try and boost themselves first before they try and help anyone else it's a fact of life and humans at the end of the day are pretty stupid animals. They only option I can think of is to try a different form of government, a volunteer one perhaps.
100% agree all politicians are crooked, and most regular folks honestly are too to some degree. Maybe at one persons job they take home a roll of tape, or help a friend out a little, politicians just deal with bigger things than tape and can do a lot more to help their friends. I mean, who would pay over 20x the salary of an honest job just to get hired? But I think wanting to be president should disqualify you. It's a thankless job where you get blamed for anything that goes wrong including the weather, and no matter what (as we've talked about) a bunch of people will hate and mock you. The first one to volunteer for a job like that is either too dumb to realize what is required, a real doer type that just wants shit done and has to do it themselves, or an opportunist looking for an angle. Since politicians are pretty much career opportunists, and anyone else it's 2/1 odds- I say wanting to be president should disqualify you.
@natethegreat I don't think Trump is actively working though. He watches 4-8 hrs of TV daily, holds 3 meetings he can barely get through before his attention wanders, doesn't read briefings and is obsessed with golf. Say what you want about past presidents, at least they read and try to understand issues.... Trump is in his own little fucking bubble.
"Not as lazy as Obama". Trump has been away to play golf more in one year than Obama did his entirey presidency... you can downvote all you want but that's a fact.
And yes, Pence is worse
Especially when you consider who is next in line.
it's a sad day when a good amount of Americans have no love for it's own president...
shaking my fucking head.
from 2008-2016 we have had a terrorist in the white house yet people barely said a thing...
i fucking hate people sometimes