I'm pretty sure John McClain never ran for office you ignorant twit. His wife Holly Gennaro might have. And these people aren't imitating regular Americans. They are doing some stupid youtube like clip pretending to be what they once saw Americans do in a movie. And whoever upvoted @yimmye 's comment is just as ignorant as @yimmye. It's John McCaine. Y'know. The guy that spent 3 years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. Went on to run for President of the United States and is still A US Senator.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Oh wait, john mcclain, i misread it. No need to insult me. Also when I say “regular american” I mean the stereotype that most people from outside the us have, which is pretty much what you see in the video. Instead of regular I should maybe have said stereotypical.