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· 7 years ago
Oh my gosh this is absolutely terrible. A kid can’t even get help from her abusive mother because of corruptness in an organization that is supposed to help children. What kind of messed up world do we live in?
· 7 years ago
I honestly think it depends on what the kid looks like. I had a situation like this when I was a teen. I was "goth" Black clothes, black makeup, dyed hair...the type of kid people look at and assume is bad. I wasn't but when the cops got called he took one look at me and wouldn't listen to anything I had to say.
· 7 years ago
I called a home for children when I was about 14 to see if I could come live there. They told me that children had to be admitted by a parent. My parents were abusive at every chance they got and when I “stepped out of line” would use whatever they could to beat me with. That ranged from wooden spoons, to a handmade wooden paddle an inch thick with holes drilled into it (my step mom was a woodworker), to a sword sheath and anything in between. I was extremely depressed and suicidal but their idea of getting me help was threatening to send me to military school. I welcomed that but they then found out that would be expensive and just went back to beating me. I got married at 18 to legally emancipate myself and never looked back. It’s been over 10 years since I left and I’ve never forgiven them.
· 7 years ago
That's when you kill the mom and leave
· 7 years ago
Poor girl, stay strong!
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Oh my god. I hope she gets out of that situation fast.
· 7 years ago
How about trying to ring a suicide hotline? Get them to call a different police?
· 7 years ago
She should tell someone at her school. Despite what kids may think a lot of teachers and school officials care about the well being of a child...some don't but it's worth a shot. When I was 16 I was in a situation like this with my mom. I fought back, she kicked me out, then reported me as a runaway. Cop picked me up, I told him what happened, and he told me to stop exaggerating. I later told a teacher at school and he told a different school official. They called the cops, some who believed me, and my mom and I were sent to family counceling. My mom didn't recieve any punishment because at the time I didn't have any bruises on me but this girl is all marked up.
· 7 years ago
Going to someone at a school is the best option. I don’t know about all states but in New York we are mandated reporters and have to call an agency if we even suspect abuse
· 7 years ago
Another good thing to do is to go to an emergency room. Hospital officials are required to investigate anything that may possibly be abuse, and to question people about whether or not they feel safe at home. Maybe they could get the right people involved that would believe her.
· 7 years ago
my mother went through almost the same thing. just keep calling the police and tell friends teachers and other family members call defax
· 7 years ago
I believe it. Something similar has happened to me so I believe it
· 7 years ago
I'm always very careful to jump to conclusions about internet stories, Tumblr ones especially. Someone could be lying and trying to bend the truth for the sake of their own agenda. If this is true obviously it's terrible
· 7 years ago
What the fuck that stupid ass bitch of a mum and dick head policeman. They’re both massive cunts
Edited 7 years ago