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· 7 years ago
Bf taught me how to play Metroid and he regrets/loves it. He got me an SNES Classic for my birthday and he cringes every time I play because I'm so terrible, but he is so happy I enjoy the game. I think I'm six or seven hours into the game and I'm still not done (I'm playing it blind - haven't even looked at the manual).
· 7 years ago
Probably my favourite game ever was super Metroid, played it through sooooo many times
· 7 years ago
The battle with Kraid almost made me stop playing the game because I kept dying and I was so angry. That must have took me an hour in game to kill him.
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· 7 years ago
My nemesis was that damned underwater boss that kept grabbing on to you and dropping you
· 7 years ago
I play Super Metroid once a year just to see if I remember where everything is. :D
· 7 years ago
@squeak I just got to Meridia and haven't faced them yet - I already don't like the sound of that.
· 7 years ago
@sm19 it’s a pain, a lot of dodging and a lot of angle shooting, the boss also shoots these grey things that stick to you
· 7 years ago
@squeak I also accidentally entered Meridia way earlier than I should have. I was walking through this glass tunnel and my brain went 'can I bomb this?' aaaaaaaand then it exploded and I was floundering with the water physics. I freaking love this game for that though.
· 7 years ago
@sm19, that game was so underrated for those things, yea you need the gravity suit from the crashed ship, you’re making me want to hook up all my old systems now
· 7 years ago
I need a guy like that.
· 7 years ago
I think a gamer loves a game if they try to teach you to play. They really love you if they are patient and kind while you learn though.
· 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
@matthewg <3
· 7 years ago
I can't wait to play some Mario Kart with you.
· 7 years ago
I teach people how to play the game because I'm tired of people complaining about bad players, and they don't try a single thing to help them. Like I don't get anything out of helping them, because after that game I play with them, they either leave, or they send me a friend request and never talk to me again. I just do it because it's just the right thing to do. Its like watching someone do the same task over and over only achieving failure. Like this dude has the motivation, and the patience to learn the game. But not a single fucking person to help his poor ass. I honestly just feel bad for some people. Communities are toxic, especially to "noobs". So helping someone learn a game shouldn't be seen as a special act, it should be seen as common courtesy.
· 7 years ago
This statement is meant for multiplayer games, of course no one is gonna complain at someone bad at a single player game because it doesn't affect them. Unless you're their friend or significant other, then you're just tired of watching them fail over and over.
· 7 years ago
Yeah I know, my best friend taught me how to play Dark Soul like a week ago, he'd even press some buttons for me because my reaction time sucks
· 7 years ago
My fiance would love me to play with him but I'm so bad and I get too frustrated :/ he's so patient though