How is this possible? Lawn mower gas tanks can’t hold that much, and these mowers couldn’t possibly get very far per gallon. You’d need to refuel way too often.
He actually pulled a small wagon and when he felt tired he stop and nap in the shade and at night he had a tent he slept in. The wagon carried food and gas. But he also had to let the mower rest here and there because they are not built to be run for so long.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
6 weeks??? At that speed it should take him 3 or 4 days
· 7 years ago
Okay guys here’s the full story. He couldn’t get a license because his vision was bad. So he rode the mower with a trailer that had gas and camping supplies it in. The reason why it took so long is because his mower kept breaking down. Eventually he ran out of money so he sat and waited for his social security check to come so he could keep going. It did take him 6 weeks to get there and his brother recovered and his nephew drove him home. After this Texas Equipment Company gave him a brand new John Deere riding mower worth $5000