Unfortunately this is one of those state by state guidelines that should be federally set, to 6 months at least, given the crime is a felony. But states still get to make their own time limit and too often its not enforced anyway
This logo is disturbing. Is it someone with saggy boobs and a bad case of appendicitis explosion? A face with a mouth like a tape worm's? Or two people jumping of joy around a sun? And how does it relate to the subject?
I went to the police too late. By a week. They said my memory was “tainted” and that I wasn’t a reliable witness so they weren’t going to do anything further. Without a rape kit I had no proof either.
As mentioned, they can be scared, not only of their attacker coming after them but of how people will judge them. You wouldn't believe how many victims get told they were asking for it because of their clothes or that they should have fraught back harder. The guy who raped me said I was taunting him by wear a tank top (not even a cami) in the SUMMER in TEXAS. I was lucky, I had a supportive family and a brother who knew exactly what to do. But Fuckface had threatened me if I told anyone, said he was a lieutenant in the Arian army and he would have me killed. He said, as many do, that it was my own fault and no one would believe me. Also the physical exam is incredibly invasive and for someone who's just been violated it can seem like just another invasion. The idea of not only facing a hospital staff but the actual ordeal of pressing charges and a trial can be very daunting, even in the best circumstances.
The state needs to be mentioned because the vast majority of states require hospitals to notify the police. In fact in many states any medical professional you go to is required under threat of prosecution to notify the authorities. Doing a "restricted" investigation, what's mentioned up there ^^, is only possible in a few states or by going to a specific people for help. Only the the drug testing and STD/pregnancy prevention can be done and usually are out of pocket cost to the person. Now, all this being said you can visit a Rape Crisis Counselor free of cost and they will be able to help you make any decisions by providing you with all the options you have in your state. They are generally not medical professionals but instead are trained professionals who are not required to notify anyone and generally take a case by case basis meaning they'll see you through all the way to the end.
If you arm and train EVERYONE, that includes the people doing the raping.
· 7 years ago
They're already armed, hence the raping (or drugging them so they can't resist).
It's been a while, but I believe the weapon of choice for rapists is actually knives. Something about people being more likely to resist/scream with a gun, while a knife can silence a scream without being heard for quarter mile.
Edit: Boy was I wrong. It appears the primary weapon is "No weapon," with guns and knives nearly equal. This also includes sexual assault (presumably of all levels). Freaked me out when I saw the total number.
I think I'll give famousone the benefit of the doubt and go out on a limb that when he says "everyone," he doesn't include murderers, rapists, irresponsible jack-wagons etc.
Ok... first of all, how would you train everybody. It would be nearly impossible. Second of all, whatever “training” normal civilians get still pales in comparison to the training received by police. I’d much rather have more police protecting me than a random college student with a gun. Third of all, many people, despite not being criminals, can’t be trusted with a gun, whether it’s due to poor mental health, alcoholism, drugs, etc.
Training everyone is very possible, but I was using hyperbole.
The average concealed carrier is far more accurate then the police. Nevermind that a police state is undesirable, as cops aren't any more or less good than your average citizen.
Realistically, it's not arming and training everyone so much as it's encouraging and allowing law-abiding citizens to arm and train themselves.
Really, most of the points in your comment are wrong.
Most rapes are perpetrated by someone the victim knows, usually in a place they would consider safe. Guns aren't all that effective if you don't have them on you when you are grabbed from behind in your own home and have a knife held to your throat.
The average citizen is more accurate than the police? What? You’d have to go through years of training to become more accurate than the police. Also what if the assaulter is somebody you know and you don’t want to fucking kill them? (
· 7 years ago
"The average concealed carrier is far more accurate then the police." - any source to that? And how is anyone "strawmanning" you, when you literally said "Prevent crime, arm and train everyone."? Calling that "hyperbole" 6 hours after you complained about getting strawmanned is a weak move.
@celtirose Rapes aren't the only crime anyone should be worried about. Civilian owned weapons are used to prevent or interrupt as many as three million crimes in the US every year
@carne_asada It doesn't take years of training. Hell, the army can train up to half of any batch of recruits up to expert marksman (40/40) in a matter of weeks. Police on the other hand have low standards, they only need to land just half of their shots at 25 yards, and they only need to qualify twice a year.
If the attacker is someone you know then you need to either reclassify them as a threat that needs to be eliminated, or you hope it's over quickly and they don't decide to maim or kill you.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
"more accurate," may not be the right wording. There was a study by the University of Chicago (which I believe he is referring to, correct me if I'm wrong @famousone) that found that even though CHL holders outnumber police in America by multiple times, they are found to have committed an error in shooting at something like 1/10 as many times as cops.
On another note, I believe that the handgun qualification for a CHL in Texas (and other states) is either the same as the one needed by police, or extremely similar. So, while not "more accurate," that way, they are legally considered just as or nearly as accurate.
That's the minimum standard yes, but concealed carriers are more likely to be hobbyists or enthusiasts than Officers are (especially officers from more peaceful locations), so I feel it's safer to bet on private citizens being both more justified and more accurate.
If someone is behind you with a knife to your throat, I'd much rather pull my gun and shoot out his knees or legs right behind me that stand there and wait for him to cut my throat or rape me.
If he's behind you, he can see your front clearly and being able to draw and fire out of his sight is an advantage. If there is a concern that he'll slice in reflex, you can still draw out of sight and wait for an opportunity for him to be distracted or turn you around, at that time, it's point blank center mass.
I had a gun in my home, but it wasn't on my hip, given I was IN MY HOME. And even if I had it on my hip or shoulder, do you seriously think you would have the chance to pull it out and shoot before the person holding the knife to your throat reacted and slit your throat rather than risk getting shot? Even if you could get it out and fire before the attacker responded, how to you expect to aim, with any accuracy, at someone directly behind you, without shooting yourself? Even if you go for the foot you only have a split second at most before they react and if you miss you can guarantee they are going to kill you. Personally, I would rather live with the trauma of assault and rape than have my mother come home to find me with my throat slit. Especially since I put the son of a bitch away for the rest of his life because I was alive to testify.
Of course not, but you made the blanket statement that a gun would stop a rape. My point is no, not necessarily. Sure, if you are walking with it in hand and you are grabbed, it definitely puts the odds in your favor. Rapists are cowards by nature, if prove a bigger threat they tend to run, but if you are taken by surprise that gun isn't going to do much good, and can be used against you. Btw, I'm in no way antigun, I'm from Texas, my entire family owns guns, always have, but they aren't always the solution and drawing a gun isn't always the right move. And telling someone that simply having a gun and knowing how to use it will make them safe is giving a dangerously inaccurate sense of security.
Don't worry, I'm not accusing you of being anti anything. At this point I'm just trying to get perspective.
I don't want to promote a false sense of security, I just genuinely believe that being armed and trained will make it so that good, innocent people will have some means of defense. I feel that more people taking their lives in their own hands will help far more than anything else that could be done.
My owm experience aside, I used to do a lot of work with the lical rape crisis center, so I've heard a LOT of stories. You wouldn't believe the number of people who would ask a survivor why they didn't fight back harder, regardless of how armed their attacker. Taking self defense, not just something performance based but dirty fighting self defense, is also a really good idea. I fully intend to enroll my daughter in the next year or so. Also I used to have a tazer that looked like and could even function as a small flashlight. Sometimes the best weapon is one that doesn't look like a weapon.
Hooah. Never fight fair. Guns are my go-to, but any advantage against any conceivable assailant, no matter how unlikely, will only be good. Like I've said before, I've been in situations where I needed something I didn't have, and I have no intention of letting people sacrifice others' ability to defend themselves.
Prevent crime, arm and train everyone.
It's been a while, but I believe the weapon of choice for rapists is actually knives. Something about people being more likely to resist/scream with a gun, while a knife can silence a scream without being heard for quarter mile.
Edit: Boy was I wrong. It appears the primary weapon is "No weapon," with guns and knives nearly equal. This also includes sexual assault (presumably of all levels). Freaked me out when I saw the total number.
The average concealed carrier is far more accurate then the police. Nevermind that a police state is undesirable, as cops aren't any more or less good than your average citizen.
Realistically, it's not arming and training everyone so much as it's encouraging and allowing law-abiding citizens to arm and train themselves.
Really, most of the points in your comment are wrong.
@carne_asada It doesn't take years of training. Hell, the army can train up to half of any batch of recruits up to expert marksman (40/40) in a matter of weeks. Police on the other hand have low standards, they only need to land just half of their shots at 25 yards, and they only need to qualify twice a year.
If the attacker is someone you know then you need to either reclassify them as a threat that needs to be eliminated, or you hope it's over quickly and they don't decide to maim or kill you.
On another note, I believe that the handgun qualification for a CHL in Texas (and other states) is either the same as the one needed by police, or extremely similar. So, while not "more accurate," that way, they are legally considered just as or nearly as accurate.
If he's behind you, he can see your front clearly and being able to draw and fire out of his sight is an advantage. If there is a concern that he'll slice in reflex, you can still draw out of sight and wait for an opportunity for him to be distracted or turn you around, at that time, it's point blank center mass.
I don't want to promote a false sense of security, I just genuinely believe that being armed and trained will make it so that good, innocent people will have some means of defense. I feel that more people taking their lives in their own hands will help far more than anything else that could be done.