I’m so sick of people finding “dirt” on famous people that happened years ago. Sure, maybe in 2012 they retweeted something racist or liked a homophobic comment, but really? We’re judging people’s characters based on what they did in the past? Is no one aware that people can change and are sometimes immature?
They didn't even find dirt. They found a joke that's not even homophobic. I call shit gay all the fucking time and I'm one of the most queer motherfuckers you'll find.
Yeah people change, but if they never acknowledge their mistakes or try to cover it up, than there’s no way to tell that they’ve improved. This specific example is dumb as hell, but in general people gotta be held accountable to their past mistakes no matter how long ago it was.
People think being offended makes them automatically right like it somehow contributes anything to their argument. I bet you if you told Stalin that he was a worthless piece of shit cause of how he treated his people he'd be pretty offended. Offended enough to have you shot on the spot. People seem to have the exact same reaction to someone else jokingly calling something gay. That's a problem.
Also who the heck is that kid?
Should he stop the good work he is doing?
That's Gay