It really bugs me when christians cherry pick. The point of christianity is grace and forgivness not hell fire and damnation for sinners. Its really disappointing when christians miss that point
Or the ones that say it's weird you're not " lacking in morals " and " raping and pillaging " because for some reason they believe all morals come from religious documents and if you're not religious you're obviously one minute away from breaking every crime despite not ever even being so much as grounded.
All this talk about what christianity is "really" all about and what it does not stand for in the eye of a "true" christian is 100% the same as those muslims declaring islam is "the religion of peace" and how islamic terrorists are not "true" muslims and whatnot. That's exactly where the cherry-picking starts. Celebrate a cult full of fairytales and delusion -> wait for the extra deluded hardcore members.
lmao. Anyway... homosexuality has been observed in over 1,500 species. If god was so butthurt with gay sex, I doubt beetles, seals or lizards would be down for it.
Jesus says alot of things that took many religious leaders by suprise. He hung out with sinners. Prostitutes and tax collectors. The whole story of the Pharisees drag out an adultrous woman and ask Jesus to condemn her before they stone her to death and Jesus says "he who is without sin cast the first stone" while he doesn't acknowledge that the woman is without sin he does make a point to that she is to be forgiven. He clothes her and lets her go.
He just dropped his faith just by that roast!
Damn I can feel the fires from here.
*insert crusades*
Good thing I ain't Christian
Except the gays. The bible doesn't consider you people