We didn't realise there were other moons in existence until a few hundred years ago when telescopes advanced far enough to be able to objects passing infront of other planets. Earth's moon is actually called Luna, but is generally known as just the moon because that's what we've called it since humans first looked up at the night and spoke.
Our sun and moon do have names, but they literally translate to just “sun” and “moon”
Of course they don’t need fancy names because they have their own word, which is even better than an name imo
And Theodore means “Gift from God” but that doesn’t make it less of a name.
· 6 years ago
Not the same, it’d be like calling a person the Latin word for human. My point is that our own moon and our own star/sun are so important (and also the first ones we could detect) that they got their own words, they don’t need names
The technical name is a "satellite." Our satellite just happens to be referred to as the moon. Other planets technically don't have "moons," they have "satellites. They are usually called moons because nobody really gives a shit.
...Didn't Icarus land in the ocean?
Of course they don’t need fancy names because they have their own word, which is even better than an name imo
Good luck