I think it’s political commentary on the hypocrisy of many conservatives who have issues with gay marriage. Bakeries made headlines for refusing to serve gay weddings, and then claimed that their religions forbid gay relationships, so serving gays would put them in a bad spot religiously. This person is making comment to the fact that “conservative” “traditional” and “religious” values would not support multiple marriages. In short- they are saying that many people who would “cast the first stone” against gay relationships being against their religion are often living in violation of their own religions by doing things like taking multiple marriages. I’m not saying I agree or it’s correct morally or from a religious doctrine standpoint- but I believe that is what their point is.
You guys do realize it was due to that one Baker refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay marriage. So since divorce in some religions is not allowed they are saying well we don't make wedding cakes for people who got divorced and than remarried.
It isn't just singling out people who marry more than once. It is to say refusing to make a cake due to religion is stupid.
My church is a southern Baptist Church and we had a gay marriage performed there. More than once. Because well they had cash lol. We are a poor church.
That’s somewhat the point. It is sad isn’t it? When despite the odds and the statistics against it- 2 people find themselves together, and in deep and meaningful love, yet things like this stand in their way, and people would disapprove of their happiness. Yet- certain religions, including the abrahamic faiths (if one subscribes to certain orthodoxies) carry in their texts explicit commandments such as that a man may not re marry a an ex wife, provisions for stoning of divorcés, and in the Bible Jesus says plain and clear, and later reiterated: divorcing for any reason but sexual perversion is adultery, and marrying someone else’s ex spouse is adultery. Backing it up by saying that just because you MAY devorce on grounds of sexual misconduct, doesn’t mean it is right in the eyes of God. So some even say to divorce at all is a sin. So- the point of the sign isn’t to shame the divorced, but to highlight how even if ones religion (especially abrahamic ones) specifies or implies....
.... that homosexuality is a sin- no where is it said to be a greater or not equal sin to almost any other (with a few arguable cases where some interpret text to say certain sins are greater- but none mentioned in this context refer to divorce or homosexuality). In other words- this sign is a rebuttal against similar actions where businesses refused to serve gay couples being married, based on religious grounds. It points out the hypocracy of those who would claim religious grounds to condemn gay marriage, while either themselves engaging in such explicitly taboo behavior, or still agreeing to serve heterosexual couples engaging in said behaviors. It is not inherently right to discriminate against one group to protest discrimination against another, but I doubt the sign is a serious business practice as much as it is an invitation to critical thought and indictment of hypocracy.
Yeah, if I saw this or anything like it, I'd take my business elsewhere even if it was my FIRST wedding.
Just exercising my right to not do business with assholes.
It isn't just singling out people who marry more than once. It is to say refusing to make a cake due to religion is stupid.
My church is a southern Baptist Church and we had a gay marriage performed there. More than once. Because well they had cash lol. We are a poor church.
Just exercising my right to not do business with assholes.