I have been there and I am there now. But not because I am depressed but because I am waiting on the other shoe to drop. My mom is in really bad health. She has just found out she has uterus cancer all thanks to an IUD some fuck put in her with out her knowing. She had her tubes burned when my baby brother her 6th kid was born. The only other time anyone was "working" on that area was 2 years later. That bastard saw my mom had 6 kids and figured she had enough kids. SO MY BROTHER IS 28 SO IT WAS IN HER AROUND 26 YEARS!!! AND YES IT IS THE CAUSE OF THIS THE DOCTORS PROVED IT!!
Not only that she found out she has breast cancer they found 9 lumps. Now they think she might have more cancer throughout her body.
So the littlest thing and I cry. Because I am putting on a brave face for her.
One day I cried because I spilt the last of the milk and I needed it for dinner.
I think if she gets better I will be better but if she dies it will take me a long time to get over it.
Sorry if I over shared it's just been alot of weight on my shoulders lately. And it felt good to say it out loud. My husband helps but I am also trying to be brave for my daughter. She is only 11. Lol even though she feels like an adult lol they all do. She doesn't need to know the pain I'm carrying. She knows grandma is sick and it's cancer. But that is it.
Mate, you are just fine. Feel free to cry and scream as much as you need. It would be rough for anyone to go through this, and you will make it through this and be stronger for it regardless of whatever happens. You are valued and you matter. Bless
You know it's quite funny how understanding kids can be...at 11 years old I had a really good understanding of life and death. My mom was grieving over the loss of her stepfather and sometimes that small voice from a child can be a beacon of light for you. Life lessons are valuable even to an 11 year old. I'm not saying force these down her throat but exposure to real life issues allows them to see that it's okay to cry and be emotional and they can be a great support. I don't know you but you sound like you have a beautiful heart.
It’s okay to be sad, sadness is an emotion for a reason. So don’t feel bad for being sad, because you will cherish the happy moments more. I lost my grandpa about 4-5 Years ago. He died after he fell off of a ladder, he lived but died afterwards. It was a rough patch, but we all got through it. I still remember that funeral service, it was rough. But you, you have a chance to make every moment count. And in the end, it doesn’t matter the outcome, it matters what you do with the lessons you learned that truly matter. I cannot guarantee it won’t hurt, sickness or in health, but that’s the thing about life, it’s a fickle thing. But @mrscollector, what I want you to do, is to remember this, “Life is fickle, sometimes you just want to tear your hair out, scream and cry. But without sadness, we would never cherish the happy moments.”
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
I know I'm not depressed but I also know I second guess myself a lot, but I also say "I'm fine", and to top it all off, I talk to myself.
I may need mental help
Just went through this, had a minor mental breakdown, between having a friend of 28 years commit suicide, stress from work and an uncle lose his fight with cancer, I burnt down like a match in a forest fire. Still not back to normal yet.
Don’t claim to have mental health problems until you have gone for a walk outside for about 1 hour per day for a year and noticed the trees, birds and seasons changing. Once you have done this come back and tell me you think you have mental health problems
Guess what guest. You still have mental health issues when you go outside. Depression is a chemical imbalance. Your brain doesnt make or absorb enough of the neortransmitters it needs to live. Going outside doesnt magically change your brain you absolute noodle
As someone with a list of mental issues including depression and ptsd, only therapy, medicinals and perhaps dietary changes help can 'cure' depression 'going for a walk' is the equivalent of cutting off a toe and calling it a papercut, and even with all that the depression is still there it's masked and kept quiet but it's still the monster in the corner waiting for a weak moment to attack you like the cowardly thug it is.
I can't believe in the course of my getting a PhD in clinical psychology they never told me about this "you can only be diagnosed with mental health problems if you've spent a year going outside and still feel shitty." Seems like a glaring oversight in my education.
Not only that she found out she has breast cancer they found 9 lumps. Now they think she might have more cancer throughout her body.
So the littlest thing and I cry. Because I am putting on a brave face for her.
One day I cried because I spilt the last of the milk and I needed it for dinner.
I think if she gets better I will be better but if she dies it will take me a long time to get over it.
I may need mental help