Yep under this premise students will feel less responsibility toward the creature especially if they only have to worry about them when the "check them out". All other times meals and health is up to the employees the school hires or a third party the school hires. Which could inadvertently raise costs of tuition, making students... less happy.
Would this work for the dogs? In my head, they’d have dozens of random strangers constantly petting them, might get attached to that really sweet student but then never see them again, and have varying degrees of quality of attention throughout the day. Plus, they’d have no stable mom or dad. Anyone an expert who can answer this?
I'm def not an expert but I feel like this would stress the dog out to no end, if they start young then they'll never receive any consistent parenting, they'll end up acting weird which would lead to more stress. Dogs lose sleep when they're worried you know... :////
Very cool. It sounds like those dogs are only there temporarily, like during finals week, and not full time. I have a sneaky suspicion that a full-time program would be do more harm than good for the puppers. But could be a neat idea for students to relieve some stress and for doggos to get some good lovin’ for a few days.