I hate the term 'friendzone' with a passion
6 years ago by guest · 1441 Likes · 12 comments · Popular
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· 6 years ago
They’re not mutually exclusive.
· 6 years ago
It’s not even love. It’s attraction. Love develops after.
· 6 years ago
The “friend zone” only exists in the mind of the person declaring a friend zone. You are under no obligation to be a persons friend, they are under no obligation to be more than friends. You may both walk away at any time which you feel the relationship is not satisfying what you require from it. Are you friends with a stray cat because you feed it every day and it comes for food, but won’t let you pet it? Spend your whole life trying to be friends with it, it may never reciprocate. You keep feeding it as a choice. It won’t starve without you feeding it. You choose what you give and what you expect back. It makes no more sense that to get upset at the cat for not letting you pet it after you’ve fed it for a year. The cat has defined what it wants. Food, and maybe it will hang around you when it wants company. You want more. Go find a cat that likes being petted or don’t whine about your own decisions. The supposed “friend zone” is a prison where the inmates are their own guards.
· 6 years ago
I wish I could upvote this a hundred times over
· 6 years ago
The friend zone can be a real thing if the one "friend zoning" the other is using the affection to abuse the other. Though as its usually used it is just bitching over nonmutual feelings
· 6 years ago
And probably a whiny child that doesn't actually understand basic adult social interactions that needs to get their head out of the clouds and grow the fuck up.
· 6 years ago
Hear hear!
· 6 years ago
You're never in the friendzone if you value having women/men as friends.
· 6 years ago
They make the best wingmans man.... I owe my first girlfriend to my girl best friend. I owe her a lot when it comes to chicks.
· 6 years ago
I don't understand the idea of dating someone before being friends with them???? Is that weird? I mean, I don't wanna have a relationship with someone before I know them as a friend.
· 6 years ago
I think the distinction is in a lack of precision of language. When was the last time you heard someone say “courting” or “courtship?” We kinda bundled up anything that wasn’t marriage or less than a serious long term relationship in to “dating” and then came the less dated sounding “talking to” and “hook up.” But those all fail to overlap elements of “courtship.” The idea of a date is very procedural. There’s a formal asking out, an overt intent and expectation. How many tones had someone thought or asked “did that count as a date?” The closest to modern courtship we get might be “hanging out” but that’s still lacking. You can’t have a two relationship without friendship, so you do have to build that element. Courtship is more akin to that- where you spend time with a person and develop feelings, but without an expectation or obligation, but with the implied possibility of romance to make clear that one could possibly be interested in more- avoiding ambiguity that “nice guys” rant on.
· 6 years ago
You're friendzoned when it's confirmed that someone you have feelings for is only interested in you as a friend. It has nothing to do with being able to accept that fact or not.