It's ridiculous and atrocious of course but also technically very well done, which leaves me to the disturbing conclusion that someone paid a lot of money for this. It's not something they did themselves or got in a cheap tattoo parlor when they were drunk, no, this was an actual project of them.
One day maybe, I'll understand. In the meantime, long live Eminem&M's guy.
Shading and colour is on point, you recognize him immediately. His beanie could've used a heavier shadow, also maybe a bit of linework in his face and on his shoes. But all in all very good work. 8/10
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
I'm going to start doing this anytime I see a tattoo on fs, ha
One day maybe, I'll understand. In the meantime, long live Eminem&M's guy.