I don't know why this downvoted but I agree with you or at the very least throw all the useless overbearing people out of Earth and into space. That would be something I would do.
Some of you really do sound like you treat politics as a team sport. Although I guess, for some, it beats actually thinking about issues.
Do you ever stop to think about all of your fellow republicans living here? Or better yet, that we're all AMERICANs here?
· 6 years ago
How about specific cities then? Mainly LA and San Francisco
Me and ew are a package deal world domination wise
· 6 years ago
I'd place all of the pieces of Canada and just..smash em together. See what happens.
After that, I'd probably use my super intelligence to advance the world technologically.
Then I'd beat up everyone who thinks Saitama can beat Superman, which is a fucking lie.
Saitama is the source of his own power. Superman is just an irradiated nerd. Even with all the super powerful stuff that he's done in his stuff it was stated by the last dude he fought that it was obvious that saitama wasn't even trying. He put an america sized crater in the moon with the force of his legs jumping at effort level 0. He is literally and totally invincible in canon with no weaknesses.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Superman isnt a irradiated nerd, you simpleton.
He benchpressed Earth for five days, deprived of the solar power you think he needs. He barely broke a sweat, and even said that wasnt his limit.
He outsped the FLASH, operates on nanoseconds. He tore apart reality by fighting his alternate self.
He read every medical text ever published in five minutes.
He escaped and caught a singularity.
He superheated an entire freezing planet.
This doesnt even talk about his future self, Superman Prime One Million.
Face it, Superman blows Caped Baldy out of the water.
At best he fails to kill saitama. That is his literally best possible scenario. It is canon that is is totally invincible. Also anyone that fought an alternate self would tear apart reality. That's how alternates work in conventional sci fi.
· 6 years ago
Find me where it says he is totally invincible.
If not, Saitama has yet to do anything Post-Crisis, Pre-Crisis notwithstanding, couldnt outdo.
Post-Crisis is non canon.
also being invincible is his entire thing. The whole series is a joke/satire about invincible unlimited strength characters.
Invulnerability: Saitama can withstand blows from extremely powerful beings such as Carnage Kabuto, without taking a scratch or feeling any pain... ...leaving and entering the Earth's atmosphere (only his clothes were burnt) He even survived the sub-zero conditions of outer space unscathed during his brief time on the Moon.
· 6 years ago
I'm talking about in the manga.
Also many of my points are New 52.
He's still literally invincible. The most lowerful being in his universe. That's the entire premise of the series, as Bethorien said. He tore a canyon sized hole in a mountaon range just from the shockwave of one of his punches when he didn't even give 100%. To be fair yoi can't even vonpare superman and Saitama because of this. They're totally different characters made in totally different universes. Saitama exists in one where he is unbeatable. Superman is in a more serious universe where he actually jas to face antagonists who might stand a chance against him.
In the last fight he got hit with an attack that was strong enough vaporize a city sized chuck of the space thing with a follow up knee to the chest that launched him to the moon. He didn't even break a sweat and was simply surprised at being on the moon.
He then jumped back to the planet (as stated above) and preceded to get attacked with what was called something along the lines of collapsing star shot (an attack that would be overkill for planet busting) and simply did what he called a "killing move, serious punch", the usage of which also didn't cause a single bead of sweat, defeating the only other contender for the title of single strongest thing in the universe by splitting in half and reflecting his attack. His last words were a compliment to saitama saying that he knew he didn't show even close to his full potential during the battle.
· 6 years ago
I wonder if he could beat the one guy from Fist of the North Star.
The only thing i know about that is that street fighter ripped them off.
· 6 years ago
2. Superman escaped and held a black hole. You mean to tell me the same guy that BENCHED EARTH wouldn't survive against Saitama?
Even if he didn't, Superman would come back some how some way just to fight Saitama again and again.
When he bench pressed earth he almost ran out of sun energy. If he ever ran out (when fighting a literal total fully unbeatable opponent that would eventually happen after long enough especially if saitama was privy to the fact he needed it and could drag the battle to a situation where he was deprived of any he didn't have stored) he would eventually died. The problem is that superman would eventually realize this and probably be smart enough to run away and saitama wouldnt try to chase him down and kill him.
Also when it comes to the ATATATATATATATATATATA guy, one of saitama's smaller attacks (consecutive normal punches) exploded his opponent (the previously mentioned other contender for strongest thing in the universe) and the only reason he survived is that his exploded gore reformed back into his body. From what i've just read most of kenshiro's combat revolves around hitting weak points but saitama has literally no weak points to exploit. Boros (final fight guy) hit him at
least as fast with argueably stronger hits and it didn't faze him at all. He just rolled with it and let the guy use up his energy while he got painlessly ragdoll-ed around.
· 6 years ago
Okay, but you havent disputed his feat about him benchpressing the planet. He was low on solar power and he still managed to pull off that feat.
And dont forget him escaping and holding a black hole. Yes, it dealt damage to him, but I doubt Saitama can punch with the force of a black hole.
He can punch hard enough to reflect an energy beam that has the stength of a collapsing star and double it causing it to shoot off in split directions.
· 6 years ago
"double it"
You mean split it? Saitama cannot absorb energy.
Also Mr M to the G, a lot of what happens in one punch man is fairly accurate the scientific equivalent just with the caveat that most of the supers aren't damaged or flung around by their own stuff. My favorite example being that the strength of a jump required to reenter earths atmo from the moon in a single straight line would put a crater on the moon pretty close to the size of the one that happened in the show.
The Superman black hole thing is a pretty irrelevant argument since Saitama hasn't even been in that situation. I don't doubt that he would be able to pull off that feat, but you neither deny nor confirm ghat he could since he hasn't, yet. What you can go off is that he defeated an enemy that was literally the most powerful known being in the universe, one that was able to destroy entire planets and stars by himself.
· 6 years ago
And you don't think Superman can't defeat those same enemies?
Saitama is literally canon unable to be hurt or caused pain. He cannot be defeated by anyone. It's literally not possible. No matter how powerful someone is the best possible result for them is a tie. Also asura had a slight bit of trouble fighting ryu after he finished killing all the gods he was mad at so the gods couldn't have been all that powerful.
Do you ever stop to think about all of your fellow republicans living here? Or better yet, that we're all AMERICANs here?
Or, on a lighter note... https://youtu.be/m8hTm-0Pf84
After that, I'd probably use my super intelligence to advance the world technologically.
Then I'd beat up everyone who thinks Saitama can beat Superman, which is a fucking lie.
Saitama can beat superman. There's no doubt about it.
He benchpressed Earth for five days, deprived of the solar power you think he needs. He barely broke a sweat, and even said that wasnt his limit.
He outsped the FLASH, operates on nanoseconds. He tore apart reality by fighting his alternate self.
He read every medical text ever published in five minutes.
He escaped and caught a singularity.
He superheated an entire freezing planet.
This doesnt even talk about his future self, Superman Prime One Million.
Face it, Superman blows Caped Baldy out of the water.
If not, Saitama has yet to do anything Post-Crisis, Pre-Crisis notwithstanding, couldnt outdo.
also being invincible is his entire thing. The whole series is a joke/satire about invincible unlimited strength characters.
Invulnerability: Saitama can withstand blows from extremely powerful beings such as Carnage Kabuto, without taking a scratch or feeling any pain... ...leaving and entering the Earth's atmosphere (only his clothes were burnt) He even survived the sub-zero conditions of outer space unscathed during his brief time on the Moon.
Also many of my points are New 52.
He then jumped back to the planet (as stated above) and preceded to get attacked with what was called something along the lines of collapsing star shot (an attack that would be overkill for planet busting) and simply did what he called a "killing move, serious punch", the usage of which also didn't cause a single bead of sweat, defeating the only other contender for the title of single strongest thing in the universe by splitting in half and reflecting his attack. His last words were a compliment to saitama saying that he knew he didn't show even close to his full potential during the battle.
2. Superman escaped and held a black hole. You mean to tell me the same guy that BENCHED EARTH wouldn't survive against Saitama?
Even if he didn't, Superman would come back some how some way just to fight Saitama again and again.
Also when it comes to the ATATATATATATATATATATA guy, one of saitama's smaller attacks (consecutive normal punches) exploded his opponent (the previously mentioned other contender for strongest thing in the universe) and the only reason he survived is that his exploded gore reformed back into his body. From what i've just read most of kenshiro's combat revolves around hitting weak points but saitama has literally no weak points to exploit. Boros (final fight guy) hit him at
And dont forget him escaping and holding a black hole. Yes, it dealt damage to him, but I doubt Saitama can punch with the force of a black hole.
You mean split it? Saitama cannot absorb energy.