haha that's pretty good but what makes it even better is knowing that if the election was held today he would still beat Hillary and probably get even more votes than the first time.
You're not allowed to brag about popular vote when the contest has only two people. You're basically guaranteed 40-50% of the vote. The lowest any president has gotten was 30.1% by John Quincy Adams.
He lost the popular vote which is something that holds literally no value until its super swung. It's literally only still a thing because it's good at making the American people feel like they have some sorta choice in the matter.
Beth, I don't think you know how elections go.
How do you think the electoral college is able to vote, fisticuffs? No, the people vote until a state turns either red or blue, because a certain amount of people voted red or blue. Then the people in the electoral college get to vote.
Pretty much @serosenpai. I never understand why people freak out because we don't get to vote for the president. We are voting for the people who vote for the president. This actually makes the system better as it's far harder to have a corrupt system of 500+ people.
Not all the states required their electoral college people to vote the same as their popular vote. There are enough like that such that it is possible for someone to win with 1/3 of the popular vote or a bit less and with how American voting always goes the votes for either of the big 2 will never go below that threshold.
Realizing that Bill Clinton is in charge of the Clinton Foundation "charity" money, you get to see how this applies to a KNOWN sexual predator and not someone who gets accused of such because it's the favorite smear of the times.
Drumpf DID lose.
How do you think the electoral college is able to vote, fisticuffs? No, the people vote until a state turns either red or blue, because a certain amount of people voted red or blue. Then the people in the electoral college get to vote.