At Dollar tree they have skeletons of animals made of rubber including spiders. (O.o) I showed my husband and said do they not know spiders don't have skeletons? He said yes they do.I said (0.0) WHAT?! Babe they have exoskeleton. He said what does slimer have to do with skeletons? He is just a green blob. I had to think for a second what he said. (0.o) WHAT! DO YOU THINK I SAID ECTOPLASM?!?! He says aren't they the same? At that point my brain is beginning to melt. I say BABE an exoskeleton is when instead of having bones you have an armor like shell protecting your soft body inside. Spiders have exoskeletons. They don't have bones like say a bird or a rat or a human. He just goes o ok. So what does Slimer have? (-.-) He has ectoplasm. A green slim used by ghost. He just says ok cool. I tell him let's hurry up and go home I need pain pills for my headache.