And if she’s an expert in Mom Guilt, she’ll show those photos to her child when it misbehaves and say, ‘Do you see? Do you see what I’ve been through for you?’
· 6 years ago
This wasn’t in was in New Zealand. It’s silly that someone would change the location to make it seem, what? More relatable? More heroic? Mothers protect their children everywhere, not just in the U.S. smdh
Oh, and just for the sake of realism, she didn't put "her life on line". It's almost impossible to find evidence for somebody being killed by the impact of hail, despite of the storm in Bangladesh 1986, where the hailstorm reached Grapefruit size and killed dozens of people. This woman suffered a few bruises.
I actually am. I just can't stand this heroism, where garbage men, zookeepers or moms are celebrated in the most hokey way possible for fucking doing their job. Plus what @hatawa says.
According to all the articles I've read: she hadn't checked the weather that day so I'm not sure how she "knew there was going to be a storm." Unless the new implication is that she is either:
A) psychic
B) able to determine that, from dark clouds gathering as she was driving (it was nice when she left her house), she should immediately desist driving, pull over, and lay on top of her baby in the expectation that the clouds would give way to rain, which would give way to hail so powerful it would BLOW OUT HER CAR WINDOW. Australia is, after all, known for it's extremely cold weather and, above all, it's sudden hail storms.
I don't really care if people want to celebrate her, but if you're going to call her negligent, you could at least make a MINOR effort to get your facts in order.
I’ve seen this all over the news here and everyone is calling her a hero. But all I keep think is that everyone knew the storm was coming and they repeatedly told everyone to stay indoors, she was an idiot to be outside.
The hail blew out a window in the back seat (where the baby was), and the mother was in the front seat (driver's side, I believe). Assuming she was a normal human being and not expecting a hailstorm from hell to start exploding her car, was in the driver's seat, and had her seatbelt on, it would definitely have taken more than a second to get to the baby. If she was in the passenger's side it would have taken even longer. So, yes, the baby probably did get injured. That doesn't mean the mother didn't do a good job attempting to protect it. Someone might get burned in a house fire, that doesn't mean the fire department didn't do a good job rescuing them.
A) psychic
B) able to determine that, from dark clouds gathering as she was driving (it was nice when she left her house), she should immediately desist driving, pull over, and lay on top of her baby in the expectation that the clouds would give way to rain, which would give way to hail so powerful it would BLOW OUT HER CAR WINDOW. Australia is, after all, known for it's extremely cold weather and, above all, it's sudden hail storms.
I don't really care if people want to celebrate her, but if you're going to call her negligent, you could at least make a MINOR effort to get your facts in order.