Yeah.... but no. This is “harsh truth” logic that doesn’t really work well in practice as a rule. If it was really important- you’d find a way to run the triathlon with your friend even though you have a broken leg. Well... it is important. But having your leg heal is important too, and not being crippled for life isn’t maybe more important, but it is more critical. Hanging out with your friends is important, but so is having some mental relaxation time, so why not spend half your free time at each and do both? Well- what if your friends ask for another 10 minutes, and say: “if t was really important you could give 10 more minutes..” and so on. The logic doesn’t hold up to reality, but there is some truth in it. People have mental issues like depression, people have bad days, people only have so much time and resources and must manage them as best they can. Asking someone to hold your phone a second isn’t a big request, but if their arms are full it’s a huge request. You don’t know...
what their physical and mental load is or what is on their plate, you may know some but not all. So in reality the assumption breaks down and this isn’t a catch all rule, but a guide and shouldn’t be applied ad hoc.
Accusations, don't know how to take 'em
Inspiration - it's getting hard to fake it
Concentration, never hard to break it
>Religions’ say life is important
>Governments’ say death is important
>Both have long lists of excuses to kill
Keeping this drivel on facebook, where it belongs.