I wish my DM would fucking finish tweaking the world already, I've been waiting for months to play this damn campaign.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
You have that problem too?
I'm waiting for my DM to actually start the first session, but one person or another keeps having to cancel
· 6 years ago
That's what we had happen so my DM comprosmised and made us all sort of mercenaries. Sometimes we're hired as a group, sometimes in a group of 4 (we have a group of 6), sometimes in pairs, or even on our own. We really shouldn't have done homebrew for our very first playthrough (our DM has never played either).
I've got the opposite problem. My players never have time so I'm constantly expanding the universe. I wrote 4 npcs, created 2 new types of magical item, fleshed out lycanthropy, made 3 miniature designs, and set up another plot hook. That was just what happened yesterday
· 6 years ago
I've spent the downtime fleshing out both my character and my backup characters.
Haha Travis has voiced a lot of people. He voiced Harvey Dent/Two face in the telltale batman series; Kingpin in the most recent Spiderman game; Paul Harmon in far cry 4; Knuckles in several sonic games; several digimon; Free in Soul Eater; Mori in OHSHC (a lot of the FMA cast are in that); Jugo, Zetsu, and Fudo, Seimei, and Yotaka in Naruto; Mitsunari in Yu Yu Hakusho; several characters in Fire Emblem..
List just goes on and on. He has such a unique, deep voice it just grabs your attention haha.
His wife (Laura Bailey, who played Lust in FMA) also has an outstanding list of voice acting under her belt
I've been trying to get some players to scratch that DMing itch online. You wanna write your name down for the "maybe group but it's only me so far so kinda problematic in being a group" list?
We would probably need to discuss your ideas comparatively to what is possible within the setting (example being that tech wise the most advanced culture still only has 1 or 2 people experimenting with steam)
I'm waiting for my DM to actually start the first session, but one person or another keeps having to cancel
List just goes on and on. He has such a unique, deep voice it just grabs your attention haha.
His wife (Laura Bailey, who played Lust in FMA) also has an outstanding list of voice acting under her belt
That's a great thing if you wanna have in depth characters