Nice piece of fiction. Would be more believable if it accounted for the 150 year adolescent period of Sequoyahs. They spend they're entire first century being shorter than 50 ft.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
I know this is fake but maybe if you had to pay a fine for damages your tree caused, don't plant dozens of other larger trees all over the town and then brag about it online.
Like hey nice revenge story about your dumb tree you get a hard-on for, but that's a good way to ensure you pay a lot more fines.
What a sociopath. I could at least feel some justification if they had made him remove the tree for some stupid aesthetic reason like “only XYZ trees are allowed here...” but his tree wasn’t legitetly destroying public property and possibly causing a dangerous situation. Not to mention that someone with poor mobility or using an assistive device may not be able to use the side walk safely or at all because of the damage. The person goes to great lengths to talk about what a tree expert they are, they even know how big the root system of their “revenge trees” are by age.... well tree expert... if you know how big the roots will be in only a few years... WHY DID YOU PLANT A SPECIES OF TREE SOMEWHERE THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW IT’S ROOTS WOULD PASS THE PROPERTY LINE WELL WITHIN YOUR LIFE?!?! This isn’t a tale of sticking it to the man or justice. It’s a sociopaths tantrum when someone tried to defuse a situation they created out of their own idiocy. He should get revenge on himself.
People always seem to think I am going ballistic, when I am casually commenting on memes. @celticrose- rest at ease. I’m not ballistic, nor tactical, not even area denial. When I wrote this I would likely have been more like... a paint ball. @funkmasterflex- the beautiful thing about human beings- we can formulate new opinions. To be honest- I don’t recall what I wrote last time, but I do recall this being posted before. But based on my present mind set and world view, this is my feeling on it this time. The end about getting revenge on himself was a flourish for fun, not serious. Revenge would serve no purpose. He should probably grow though. And think. But the old saying goes- you can’t fight city hall but you can shit on the steps. Wether it is right to shit on the steps or not is another matter.
@celticrose is correct, this is a fake story, sounds good, but not real, and @guest when you type in ALL CAPS, you are going ballistic, so rose is correct once again
This is probably just me being thick, but I wasn't able to tell that this was fake. What tipped you off about it being made up? Had you just seen it earlier with different details? Or was there some inconsistency in the story?
Lol. No worries @funkmasterrex. I’m not upset, I was just replying honestly because I have no idea what I wrote last time, so I couldn’t confirm or deny the match, but would certainly take your word on it and own up if it were the case. @iccarus- there isn’t bold, italics, or any other method available so by convention the only way I have to emphasize text is capitals. I’m sorry if anyone took it in an over aggressive manner. It is meant to read as though it is being emphasized, not shouted. The point is somewhat imeterial though. I am aware of my emotions and intents, others are not always. The facts of the event do not change the perception of the event and you are entitled to your own opinion, it is not a matter of debate as I can tell you how I feel or what I thought, and you can tell me what you perceived, but neither of us can be wrong on feelings, only aware of the others thoughts. So thank you for sharing your emotions on the matter.
Like hey nice revenge story about your dumb tree you get a hard-on for, but that's a good way to ensure you pay a lot more fines.