My heart goes out to anyone who is suffering from depression
6 years ago by guest · 1055 Likes · 10 comments · Popular
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· 6 years ago
I see quotes but who said it
· 6 years ago
Guest did.
· 6 years ago
That‘s just about right
· 6 years ago
It is the worst thing I've ever had to do and it never ends, just comes and goes. But it never truly leaves me
· 6 years ago
Befriend it. Own it. Acknowledge it. Seek treatment/meds. Do counselling. It well and truly may never leave you, but it doesn't have to rule over you.
· 6 years ago
It's all in your head, change something in your life, pills make it worse once you're dependent on them. I got through my depression after trying countless meds and counseling by figuring out that they weren't helping, only I could help myself by changing myself and my life.
· 6 years ago
It's great that you're better but "changing your life" isn't possible for everyone. Medications, counseling, exercise, and meditation can all be extremely helpful for some and ineffective for others, but it's dangerous to say that pills make depression worse.
· 6 years ago
That’s the thing about depression- there is no “cure,” or “magic bullet,” if there was, we wouldn’t have a billion meds and methods. Depression isn’t like a bacteria, where there are one or two medicines for a type- it’s like cancer. It comes in types, a treatment that works for stage 1 lung cancer isn’t always the best course for stage 1 brain cancer or stage 3 lymphatic cancer. The same treatment that put patient A into remission for their near identical thyroid cancer might do nothing or make patient B worse- and at the end of the day, what’s worse than what the meme says about their not being tests or quantifiable and hard pathologies- is that people will say “it is all in your head.” That you are creating or imaging the condition and so you have the cure “inside you.” Whatever shade of truth we want to give that prognosis- the simple fact is depression is an altered mind state, one which makes it difficult or impossible to self treat or in some cases even have the energy or...
· 6 years ago
... desire to treat. In other words- highly simplified yes. Depression is just your mind having “changed” to be depressed, and the simple fix is to “change” it back to happy. If it were so simple or easy though few would seek to be depressed, and more would just “change” out of it. The “universal” treatment for depression is a combination of seeking treatment and time. What works for each person is different, they have to try (and likely get help to try,) and find what works best in their individual case, and may have mixed results. I’m glad you overcame depression, and your heart is in the right place wanting to help others, but to say so plainly and flippantly as you do, undermines the struggles of others and places blame on them for their unhappiness as opposed to seeking to help them find their happiness.
· 6 years ago
Holy shit, they dropped the titanic on that nail.