This whole concept only sounds plausible to someone who's never actually used contacts before. Those of us who do wouldn't be fooled for many reason's including what @the_grinch said. Kinda like swapping someones car out with a pickup and expecting them to get in and attempt to start it with their key.
Hi. I found this post in random. As some of you may know, I wear glasses. I'll cut the story short and say that it will burn your eyes if you place mint strips against them.
Uhhh.... that’s a given. Don’t know why you dragged this back from the grave.
I don’t think anyone that uses this site is an idiot. Bots don’t have eye nerves
how can be friends but not be friends but be friends but not be friends
*dies of confusions and sad*
I don’t think anyone that uses this site is an idiot. Bots don’t have eye nerves