I think the term alcoholic is overused, especially in the US. True alcoholism isn’t about how much you drink as it is about when you drink.
Someone who gets drunk four nights a week because they have free time but doesn’t when they are busy isn’t an alcoholic.
Real alcoholics plan their days and sleep patterns around drinking. They get up early so they can drink a six-pack to get rid of the shakes. They structure their day in this way to have alone drinking time every couple of hours to maintain. Hardcore alcoholics never seem drunk nor sober because people don’t see them in any other state than drunk.
That being said one of my favorite lines I’ve heard in the long past was: “I’m like a chocoholic but with booze.”
Some alcoholics do have ups and downs, but it is definitely more than just not knowing when to stop when you drink.
Alcoholics will turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism. They will turn to alcohol because they just can't be sober right now. Alcohol will interfere with their job/school/family life/social life. Alcoholics will fight a hangover with more alcohol.
Alcoholics often refuse to accept thatvwhats going on is a problem in spite of clear evidence to the contrary.
But that doesn't mean that they are necessary always drunk. And it certainly doesn't mean that they never seem drunk. An alcoholic might be drinking regularly and not usually seem drunk, except then they have a hard day and get so drunk they can't remember what happened. And some alcoholics know they have a problem and try to stay sober. But its difficult. An alcoholic struggles to be sober in a similar way to how a smoker struggles to miss their smoke breaks.
little something called "knowing when to stop"
I've never been plastered because I know my limit. If you can't drink responsibly you don't deserve to drink at all.
no but honestly you're right, some people have no idea how much they can handle and when they should stop.
it's better to sip alcoholic drinks thank to down them.
Also, some people struggle to find the place between "completely sober" and "a little too drunk to know I should stop drinking"
When they start drinking they know that they should only have a few drinks, but after a few drinks they no longer know that.
I've never been drunk. A little buzzed and I'm done so I'm sober enough to drive in an hour. And usually not even that. But I have a friend who when sober knows she should only drink a little, but after a couple drinks its "I'm fine, another drink won't hurt" and it doesn't take long before its difficult to convince her she needs to stop. She doesn't get drunk often, but when she does she often gets "I need help finding the bedroom" drunk.
Anyway, sipping alcohol often helps because it's less likely to sneak up on you. But that isn't always enough. I seriously recommend only drinking with responsible friends who aren't getting drunk themselves until you have learned your limits and mastered stopping at them without intervention.
My experience has been that most parties aren't really that fun to begin with. Small parties can be a good time, but for the most part it's just awkwardly trying to make conversation with people you don't know that well, or drinking enough that you don't remember what awkward is.
So I really only go to small parties, and usually no one gets drunk enough to ruin it. And I am a lot of fun by the standards of the people I party with.
The problem is you are experiencing a drunkenness disparity. My favorite party config was to throw them myself. I had about 10 close buddies and usually about half had girlfriends at any one time. That created a nice 15 person base and then we would invite another 10-20 people. That made for a good size gathering; enough people to justify a keg and some liquor for shots. The strangers are on your territory so no awkwardness. Invariably, because of beer pong, or asshole, or whatever other drinking game everyone would get lit and start doing dumb stuff. That stuff is entertaining when everyone is wasted, hence no drunkenness disparity.
Drunk =/= wasted
Have sex with someone =/= have sex/rape with something
Pass out on the floor =/= pass out in the middle of nowhere
Know your limit and be a responsible adult
i can't understand how people don't understand that responsibility is a requirement for basically everything locked behind an age gate. I've met more people that got shit faced on alcohol because they couldn't stop themselves than I've seen such blatant inability to stop with anything else and I live in the fattest county of the fattest state in america.
Because seeking intoxication is a natural human drive. That’s why almost every culture has discovered and refined one intoxicant or another. Intoxicants cause your body to release dopamine (like music and chocolate) and dopamine-on-demand is a very attractive prospect to humans in general.
· 6 years ago
That's the right kind of drunk what are you talking about?
Someone who gets drunk four nights a week because they have free time but doesn’t when they are busy isn’t an alcoholic.
Real alcoholics plan their days and sleep patterns around drinking. They get up early so they can drink a six-pack to get rid of the shakes. They structure their day in this way to have alone drinking time every couple of hours to maintain. Hardcore alcoholics never seem drunk nor sober because people don’t see them in any other state than drunk.
That being said one of my favorite lines I’ve heard in the long past was: “I’m like a chocoholic but with booze.”
Alcoholics will turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism. They will turn to alcohol because they just can't be sober right now. Alcohol will interfere with their job/school/family life/social life. Alcoholics will fight a hangover with more alcohol.
Alcoholics often refuse to accept thatvwhats going on is a problem in spite of clear evidence to the contrary.
But that doesn't mean that they are necessary always drunk. And it certainly doesn't mean that they never seem drunk. An alcoholic might be drinking regularly and not usually seem drunk, except then they have a hard day and get so drunk they can't remember what happened. And some alcoholics know they have a problem and try to stay sober. But its difficult. An alcoholic struggles to be sober in a similar way to how a smoker struggles to miss their smoke breaks.
I've never been plastered because I know my limit. If you can't drink responsibly you don't deserve to drink at all.
it's better to sip alcoholic drinks thank to down them.
When they start drinking they know that they should only have a few drinks, but after a few drinks they no longer know that.
I've never been drunk. A little buzzed and I'm done so I'm sober enough to drive in an hour. And usually not even that. But I have a friend who when sober knows she should only drink a little, but after a couple drinks its "I'm fine, another drink won't hurt" and it doesn't take long before its difficult to convince her she needs to stop. She doesn't get drunk often, but when she does she often gets "I need help finding the bedroom" drunk.
Anyway, sipping alcohol often helps because it's less likely to sneak up on you. But that isn't always enough. I seriously recommend only drinking with responsible friends who aren't getting drunk themselves until you have learned your limits and mastered stopping at them without intervention.
So I really only go to small parties, and usually no one gets drunk enough to ruin it. And I am a lot of fun by the standards of the people I party with.
Have sex with someone =/= have sex/rape with something
Pass out on the floor =/= pass out in the middle of nowhere
Know your limit and be a responsible adult