Hats off to all the people who get it, including Moata
6 years ago by parrotboi · 859 Likes · 13 comments · Popular
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· 6 years ago
There are two kinds of guys that sleep with lots of women. "Studs" and "fuck boys" the difference lies in method and attitude.
· 6 years ago
Speak for yourself Moata! I've been a fat, ugly stud in my time. Prime of my life 30-32yrs old. Chubby, hairy and charming. Then I got a beautiful gf and just became chubbier and hairier.
· 6 years ago
Yeah, I must agree the theory doesn’t hold up. On the man side- plenty of large men, ugly men, and large ugly men are able to sleep around or find gorgeous partners. Conversely I’ve known plenty of GORGEOUS women who happened to be in a place in life where they didn’t care who (as long as they had the most basic hygiene and didn’t make them feel in danger), they wanted sex so bad they’d sleep with anyone- and they couldn’t get it. It’s a myth that women, all women, or even “attractive women” can just walk out side and get someone. Many women have the same struggles in dating or hook ups as men do. Timing, location, attitude are all big players in how well you do as a single- but in the end luck or fate or whatever you want to call the odds also play a part.
· 6 years ago
That's mainly because many women suffer from a condition many men will never catch: standards.
· 6 years ago
lol. While often true, it’s still a stereotype, and I’ve actually talked to a few women who felt hurt by it. To relate from a man’s perspective- you know when guys get hurt because of stereotypes about how a “grown man” should have certain things- like when people say that a man is a boy if he doesn’t have a reliable car, or money, or isn’t experienced, well dressed, have a successful sexual history, a career-whatever. Like it diminishes him in some people’s eyes? And many men resent and are hurt by that. They feel like people are judging them off these things? Well, when a woman doesn’t have or is willing to ignore her standards, this stereo type holds she should, if she goes outside “legs open,” be able to just walk home with a man- unless she is a “total hideous beast.” So when a beautiful woman is having no luck in sex or dating, and she gets to the point where she just says “if it has a pulse...” and maybe even throws herself at men- and she comes up empty, it can hurt her...
· 6 years ago
... because by and large communal social wisdom says this: that any woman who isn’t totally repulsive in every possible way, should be able to get a man or get laid easily. But it’s simply not true. Even when they throw their standards to the wind, beautiful, funny, intelligent, caring women can have trouble finding a man. The stereotype I feel is ultimately harmful to everyone. It can harm women’s self esteem and men’s too. The idea that “these people” by default just have a universally easy time, and that if you have difficulty it’s a reflection on you and your place in society. It can also build resentment and hostility. In the end, dating tends to be hard regardless of your gender or other factors beyond some people just having that “luck” or “natural ability” that makes it easier for them. It’s one of those cases where men and woman should be able to come together based off the fact it’s a challenge for everyone.
· 6 years ago
It's not our fault that it's a lot easier for us. The problem is that women get judged because they WANT lots of sex. Sorry for being able to get it if we want it. Yes females are sexual beings with sexual needs too.
· 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
Summary: "My dad doesn't love me so I compensate by seeking conservative dick"
· 6 years ago
As a man beyond his fourties I can confirm that a _lot_ of 20something women hit on men who are the age their dad had when they were teenagers. As more and more men have a "2nd" family and/or become fathers later, that's sort of good news for 50something men as well.
· 6 years ago
That's a Jim Jefferies joke
· 6 years ago
Ah was looking for to see if someone said it
· 6 years ago
Ron Jeremy disagrees, Moata.