Well, US intelligence agencies have described Pakistan as a "safe haven" for terrorism
And it is widely suspected by British Armed Forces in Afghanistan that a significant amount of support for the Taliban in Afghanistan came from Pakistan
Do not misunderstand me
The people marching through London were almost certainly not terrorists
But waving a flag of Pakistan IS waving a flag of a country that has harboured and financed terrorism
Waving an American flag is waving a flag that has financed terrorism. Waving a British, Chinese, or russian flag is waving a flag that has financed terrorism and specifically the russian flag is also waving the flag of a country that harboured terrorism.
Yeah I was about to write the same as bethorien. You know who really finances terrorism? Anyone who has deals with Saudi Arabia. They're the terrorists who made it big, just look at the stories of people who ran away only to be taken back and presumably killed. Look at the shit they're doing in Yemen, armed by American weapons no less.
I'm not diminishing the role terrorist organizations have in countries like Pakistan or Afghanistan, but those countries are not very wealthy and the vast majority of people are peaceful folk who just want to go about their day, and the terrorist groups are not more than militias. If you want to fight organized terrorism, look no further than Saudi. But we can't say anything cause they got ***oil***
· 6 years ago
Don't forget they buy looots of guns and showed the "leader of the free world" some ominous, blinking, shiny orb.
I said waving a Pakistani flag is waving the flag of a country that has harboured terrorism, which is correct
Your most recent comment is nearly accurate
Unlike the comment beforehand, which misconstrued what I commented
Also the UK and Pakistan have harboured terrorism to completely different extents - that you would compare the two is ridiculous
So if you've just funded terrorism it's okay, wave your flag. If terrorists happened to find your country is the most convenient to stay in you deserve to die?
Your country should be attacked, you deserve to live in terror because terrorists decided they like your landscape?
Ireland was involved in many terrorist incident in the UK during the Troubles periods in the 90s, would you still say that the hundreds of Irish pubs in England with their flags are symbols of harbouring terrorism?
And it is widely suspected by British Armed Forces in Afghanistan that a significant amount of support for the Taliban in Afghanistan came from Pakistan
Do not misunderstand me
The people marching through London were almost certainly not terrorists
But waving a flag of Pakistan IS waving a flag of a country that has harboured and financed terrorism
Fuckers let Bin Laden camp in their front yard
And yes, we should have gone in hard and fast
I'm not diminishing the role terrorist organizations have in countries like Pakistan or Afghanistan, but those countries are not very wealthy and the vast majority of people are peaceful folk who just want to go about their day, and the terrorist groups are not more than militias. If you want to fight organized terrorism, look no further than Saudi. But we can't say anything cause they got ***oil***
A strawman argument at its finest
Your most recent comment is nearly accurate
Unlike the comment beforehand, which misconstrued what I commented
Also the UK and Pakistan have harboured terrorism to completely different extents - that you would compare the two is ridiculous
Your country should be attacked, you deserve to live in terror because terrorists decided they like your landscape?