Actually lying until proven correct is brilliant. I'm going to be using that as my new motto in life. Assume everyone is lying until proven correct and you'll cut a lot of bullsh*t out if your life.
Most experienced cops tend to assume you’re lying already. People tend to lie to cops. “I have no idea how fast I was going...” “I didn’t have anything to/only had one drink...” I didn’t realize that was a stop...” “I’m holding it for a friend...” “No, you won’t find anything on me/in my car..” “I’ve never gotten a ticket before...” “It was an emergency or I would never have...” “Yes officer. My license good.” “Yes I have insurance..” it’s an even longer list. People lie to police about things that they don’t even need to lie about, or things that an officer will either 100% find out in a few seconds, or already knew before they stopped you. So police often do assume that everyone is lying, and that everyone is a criminal of some sort- because technically everyone has broken some kind of law. But-
As others have said- that might work on a personal level. Police may be able to use that as a tool when interacting with people to protect themselves- but it is t the way a justice system should work. Wether an officer believes you or not they merely arrest when there’s sufficient proof of a crime- if trail law worked that way things would be pretty fucked up.
You’re right but things are still flawed. I’ve dealt with law enforcement quite a bit in the last couple years, and my attempts to be honest usually don’t work in my favor. And when someone gets arrested (innocent until proven guilty) they sit in jail until they goto court or they pay out of pocket to not sit in jail.
That’s one of the huge flaws of our system. You may be innocent until proven guilty, you may be found guilty and then exonerated- but that doesn’t change the fact that there are little or no legal protections for the accused. Your job isn’t safe while you fight the accusations, your bills aren’t suspended, your share of household expenses isn’t covered for you, your reputation during and after the process aren’t safeguarded, and the cost of justice is so high that many people take plea deals or just plain don’t fight charges they are innocent of because it may not even be worth it. People have spent thousands fighting tickets like speeding or red light violations. They win and... all the time and money they spent is gone. They’re innocent sure. But 1/20th the money and traffic school would have the same result. It’s practically criminal to be broke, and if you are broke and don’t have time to waste- your chances at justice get slimmer. So yeah. It’s a foul system. Good luck.
Yeah, it's a bad place to be. Not only will you probably go bankrupt fighting bigger charges, but the emotional toll is barely survivable. Lots of people will assume you're guilty at the time you get accused; you'll get death threats. Facing years or even life in prison is a real mind-bending prospect, and every step takes months so there's no fast options except taking a terrible plea or sticking it out somehow.. Good luck, indeed.
You're not assumed to be LYING. Both people are assumed to be telling the truth-- it's simply up to the accuser to prove their truth is the correct one. It's called the "Burden of Proof." It starts with the accuser, than shifts to the defendant to dispute any presented evidence and visa versa. It's the entire reason we have trials, investigations, lawyers, etc etc etc.
If someone says their car was stolen and their neighbour did it you can't just arrest the neighbour and then find out the car has been sitting in the owner's driveway the whole time. The owner has to present that the car is not, in fact, in their possession, and then present why they suspect the neighbour has the car.
To make it simpler: if you ever play the game of clue you can't just stand up and declare "I won the game because I accused Mrs white with the chainsaw in the dungeon because I don't have any of their cards!" You may bloody well not have any of their cards, but that doesn't mean Mrs white is guilty when Mr Green may bloody well have the chainsaw and Miss Scarlet DEFINITELY has the dungeon. They can disprove your suggestion.
Good fucking GOD they can't colonize Mars fast enough
If someone says their car was stolen and their neighbour did it you can't just arrest the neighbour and then find out the car has been sitting in the owner's driveway the whole time. The owner has to present that the car is not, in fact, in their possession, and then present why they suspect the neighbour has the car.
Good fucking GOD they can't colonize Mars fast enough