They hated Hannibal because he told them the truth
6 years ago by horrorwe · 685 Likes · 10 comments · Popular
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· 6 years ago
You leave the rover alone. It might be as close to Wall-E as we ever get
· 6 years ago
Holy Shit, I never saw it that way. Now I am sad.
· 6 years ago
People are allowed to care for things regardless of them being sentient or not. Now you’re gonna tell kids who lost their favorite blanky that blankets have no feelings? The world is so shit because we care about so little. Let people care about things
· 6 years ago
Well put
· 6 years ago
the cats are in consensus apparently
· 6 years ago
To start- I want to point out that in the field of artificial intelligence the word “sentience” doesn’t hold any meaning or weight. With that said- I hate to tell you this- but you can’t prove you’re sentient either. You can’t prove that you aren’t just a machine, or that anything you do is a matter of choice and not programming. Sentience isn’t even a concept humans understand, agree on, or provide a singular definition. The closest we get to defining sentience in a “universal” sense is “human like.” One can see how not only is that a circular argument as well as fundamental tally flawed as it holds any life form to a definition that makes anything unlike us “less” than us. If other life uses that same definition- that which is not like them is not sentient- wouldn’t thay mean we aren’t sentient either by their standards? So “sentience” isn’t really a valid criteria here.
· 6 years ago
Have you watched Westworld yet?
· 6 years ago
Not the show. I saw the movie like- 20 years ago. But all in all, AI shares a lot with the idea of “alien life” in that we don’t esoecially know what to expect, or how to really even identify it. The subject of human intelligence still isn’t well understood and is debated in philosophy- with science more or less unable to say much beyond “I think therefore I am...”
· 6 years ago
The series is really well made and played this concept brilliantly
· 6 years ago
Cant they send another robot that can replace the batteries of the old one or at least something to charge it? Then when it wakes up itll have another robot buddy