I agree. I do not like her at all but there is so much transphobia towards her, I'm more concerned about transphobia at the whole community, even transgender people do not like her.
· 6 years ago
1/2 Lets go with another one of those controversial opinions: She’s no saint, but while I’m ashamed to say it (and I don’t need commentary on whether I should or shouldn’t be ashamed) I’ve seen trans women who, I couldn’t tell were trans, and initially found attractive. Jenner looks like a deflated football, and HE is not attractive.
If people want to cut off, or sew on genitalia to masquerade as the sex they were not born as- to each their own. I respect their right to deface their own bodies, but with that said, there’s just too much hype around trans-ism, and too much media attention given to their whining.
2/2 Do what you want, but stop demanding attention, and respect you believe you deserve. The ”it’s ma’am” person, VERY much still looks like a male. A buff male. You cannot go and do something unusual like that and expect everyone to know what it is you’re doing, and respect you outwardly because you believe you deserve it. I should cut off my right arm and demand attention for my bravery and my struggle. By selecting someone with 2 arms for the movie role I feel I deserve, and whimsically want, you’re discriminating against me. She should’ve been more patient. Her conduct was disgraceful.
This is the state of society today. And it’s a sad joke. Transphobia will always exist at some leve. It goes against the grain. That doesn’t make it wrong, but you have to show patience for those who can’t comprehend it. It’s definitely a tough concept to grasp.
Bruce looked like a deflated football before the surgery lol
· 6 years ago
Yeah, but he wasnt phishing for compliments from straight men back then ;)
· 6 years ago
It’s interesting that my controversial comments always get downvoted, but nobody has the balls to counter with a strong, logical argument. Pun intended.
I'm not the one downvoting but I can try offering a different viewpoint if it helps at all, though it'll mostly be on your first comment.
1/2 Trans people aren't 'masquerading' as the other sex, as that implies that they'd believe they're pretending, and makes as if it's a choice, whereas, for most trans people, it isn't much of a choice at all. There was a study done last year that looked into the brains of trans people. What was found is that, even in pre-transition people, their brains had more in common with the opposite sex, meaning that a transman had a brain that was more male than female, and a transwoman had a brain that was more female than male. You can read more on that here if you want, or look up 'Dr. Julie Bakker.'
Going off of the study I linked:
If it's our brains that cause for us to think, feel, and behave the way we do, and a trans person's brain has more in common with the other sex, I personally don't see how they would be pretending to be the other sex. The difference in their brain causes for them to behave in a certain manner, rather than it being purely a personal choice to do so.
As for the part about the media and the supposed hype over trans-ism, I'd have to disagree with that as well. This might just be a regional difference, but I don't see much of anything related to trans people in the news. However, when I do, it's usually 50/50 on being positive or negative.
I also don't see too much 'hype' over it either, which again, might be due to regional differences. I went to high school with a few people who everyone knew was trans, and they weren't treated too well by a lot of their peers, one of which attempting suicide because of it.
I don't really care all that much about the trans argument, but I find it wild how Bruce (at the time) literally killed a woman and never got arrested or faced any real repercussions?
The issue I have with the whole thing is the people who fish for compliments. Don’t care who you are or what gender you are or used to be. This is a blatant case of her trying to get compliments and using her trans status as an excuse to her not getting any. I simply don’t find her attractive. There are a lot of people I don’t find attractive. But her winning the bravery award for something so led by her choice to transition to being a female alongside the legal things that Bruce did early in his career and got away with is absolutely appalling to me. I have no qualms with being attracted to a trans person if I were to find them attractive. Unfortunately for Caitlyn, she was older when she transitioned so hormones wouldn’t do much as her body had developed completely as a male before the transition and the plastic surgery undertaken didnt exactly turn out great.
If you want an example of someone transitioning because they didn’t fit into their own self look no further than Breehive on YouTube. She talks about her path of self discovery and internal thinking that took years of struggle and strife to realize who she actually was. She didn’t flaunt herself on a reality show and beg for compliments afterwards using her trans identity as an excuse for her needy, spotlight-loving behavior.
If people want to cut off, or sew on genitalia to masquerade as the sex they were not born as- to each their own. I respect their right to deface their own bodies, but with that said, there’s just too much hype around trans-ism, and too much media attention given to their whining.
This is the state of society today. And it’s a sad joke. Transphobia will always exist at some leve. It goes against the grain. That doesn’t make it wrong, but you have to show patience for those who can’t comprehend it. It’s definitely a tough concept to grasp.
1/2 Trans people aren't 'masquerading' as the other sex, as that implies that they'd believe they're pretending, and makes as if it's a choice, whereas, for most trans people, it isn't much of a choice at all. There was a study done last year that looked into the brains of trans people. What was found is that, even in pre-transition people, their brains had more in common with the opposite sex, meaning that a transman had a brain that was more male than female, and a transwoman had a brain that was more female than male. You can read more on that here if you want, or look up 'Dr. Julie Bakker.'
Going off of the study I linked:
If it's our brains that cause for us to think, feel, and behave the way we do, and a trans person's brain has more in common with the other sex, I personally don't see how they would be pretending to be the other sex. The difference in their brain causes for them to behave in a certain manner, rather than it being purely a personal choice to do so.
As for the part about the media and the supposed hype over trans-ism, I'd have to disagree with that as well. This might just be a regional difference, but I don't see much of anything related to trans people in the news. However, when I do, it's usually 50/50 on being positive or negative.
I also don't see too much 'hype' over it either, which again, might be due to regional differences. I went to high school with a few people who everyone knew was trans, and they weren't treated too well by a lot of their peers, one of which attempting suicide because of it.