Look slap him, punch him that’s fine. But stabbing someone probably not, and I know this is going to be shit on as me being a killjoke but in our climate i’m Not sure this is a joke.
· 6 years ago
It depends on how aggressive he was being in order to pull up her dress. If it was more a joke and she was my daughter, fully acceptable to break his nose. If it was him being overly aggressive, yeah I'm fine with the stabbing--no way shes convicted if it goes to trial and if anything he may see jail time. Need both sides to the story though.
Id say stabbing would be an okay reaction if they were in her hand at the time but then she actually tried to stab him multiple times before finally connecting. She got a juvenile summons for aggravated assault. He got one for sexual battery. They were both deserved.
I think she was justified IF she had the scissors or they were close by, and the stabbing was an instinctive defensive reaction and not retaliatory. Ie: he lifts her dress, while in the moment she stabs him. Ok. But if: he lifts her dress. Puts down or holds up and the “struggle” is over, maybe laughs- then gets stabbed- it’s not proportional force. I would feel that while morally violence isn’t the best solution- she could be forgiven of AFTER the struggle was done so she wasn’t shocked or in fear, she punched or slapped him. But as serious as I take sexual harassment or harassment in general- as a society we cannot justify punitive and non proportional force. The idea of “teaching a lesson” is what the justice system is for. “They were filling around and scratched the new paint on my car so I shot them.” Well- I understand being mad about that. I understand not wanting to be a “victim.” But... the deed is done. Time to get the law involved. It isn’t prison rules. You can’t stab...
... a person for disrespecting you. He COULD have raped her, he COULD have done a lot. Other women have sad stories and history is full of abuse against women. But you don’t get to take out all this stuff on one person and make them the avatar for your anger. They can only be punished for and proportionally to what they actually personally did there. The article says she stabbed him AFTER the incident and made multiple attempts to do so before she connected. Without more information o can’t condemn or support her and I don’t know that one article is accurate to the facts. It’s easy to say after an incident what you think is justified but in a moment things happen fast. That said- just the info I have to go on suggests that she wasn’t justified. Yes- he made her angry. Do we really want that clause in the law though? That if you happen to do whatever the trigger is for any of the billions of people on earth that they are justified in stabbing you? He had an obligation to control...
... himself and he didn’t. What he did was serious and he should be punished and forced to undergo some sort of program to help teach him he was wrong, why, and how to control himself and behave. But her response was no better. Being offended, angry, insulted, humiliated- I can understand the emotions of it but I can’t condone acting out on them in such ways. It wasn’t her fault. She isn’t responsible for his actions- but she IS responsible for her actions. She chose to stab him, failed, and chose to continue. Had she tried to stab him and failed inwouldnt see it as criminal per se- but would recommend coinciding on how to deal with such emotions without resorting to stabbing, and education on the resources and ways to defend ones self legally and non lethaly. If she punched him- the country boy in me would be all for it even if my higher brain said it wasn’t constructive. Stabbing- probably too much here.
I lived in Memphis for about 15 years. The kid knew what he was getting to. Just about all the schools have metal detectors, not to prevent school shootings (outside ones), but because of gang violence. The kid would have been better off kicking a crocodile. I'm 6' and about 280; Memphis teenage girls scare me :)
I think the real message overall should be keep your hands to yourself. Sexual harassment is not cute, it's not a joke, and it's not just playing around.
· 6 years ago
Probably, but there's a reason minors don't get prosecuted. If the kid is 17 or younger, and its a dude who pulled a girls dress up. Punish him, suspend him, tell him how is actions are wrong, impress upon him the seriousness of abusing or harassing women in the future... but for god's sake he's a 17yo boy playing a prank- try and not make this a federal rape case of international renown... and for the record, I'm not saying that to YOU, I just mean in general.
He was not pranking her he was sexual harassing her. My problem is so many people are defending the kid as being a prankster, 'this whole boys will be boys' era is over. Times up, show people respect and stop dismissing and excusing this kind of behavior as a prank. It was not his body to expose and she was defending herself against a sexual predator even if her means were extreme.
· 6 years ago
1/2 Yeah, sorry. We're never going to agree on this. Juveniles, young people, youths, infants, children, kids, "young ones" will always be young ones. Girls, by nature, are less boisterous, more discreet, and infinitely more nasty in their youth and adolescence. A young boy will punch another boy in the face, or tease him in front of his friends. Young women routinely body-shame each other, exclude each other, shame other girls for not being able to afford the same bag, or shoes, or phone or car. Generally, girls don't do damage the same way guys do, and again generally, guys don't do the same girls do.
Yet, when a young woman moves out of her youth, and stops being a narcissistic body-shaming bitch, and walks amongst us as a well-adjusted, healthy, mature individual, we don't get up in arms and hold her youth against her. But a 17-year old boy, doing what 17-year old boys do is a sexual predator for life, and deserves to get stabbed? Go fuck yourself.
Wow. That was quite a leap. It wasn’t a prank. It was sexual harassment. I’m not here to talk about baboons or wolves or anything but humans. Humans don’t just wake up at 18 and suddenly have the knowledge and experience of adults. They are groomed and taught. We develop with time. The messageto send a child so they an take it to adulthood is that is not a prank, and to teach a child that it isn’t a big thing and then expect them to grow up and just realize it is... that’s not training them to be an adult. The kid didn’t deserve to be stabbed, and his whole life or childhood shouldn’t be ruined for being an idiot. He should be disciplined and taught that isn’t ok. What’s in other peoples pants isn’t for you unless they are the one deciding you should be there. It’s basic respect above all else. That’s HER dress and HER body and he wasn’t invited to it. He’d be disciplined for taking a milk from the lunch room without being given permission and that’s just a milk. He wouldn’t be...
... stabbed though or thrown in federal prison. The punishment here needs to be proportional to the offense but still keep in mind the idea is to TEACH the next generation not to destroy them before their moves begin. Same for her. She shouldn’t have stabbed him based on what the reports say (it was AFTER the incident and not an instinctive defense response.) She isn’t responsible for his actions but she is for her response and you can’t just stab people for disrespecting you unless you are in prison or want to end up there. @shikharizard, you say much here but show a basic lack of respect as well. You verbally stabbed a person for not even lifting you verbal dress. Your reaction detracts from your words and any sense or possible kernel of validity is lost in the vitriol and disproportionally aggressive and disrespectful reply. You don’t “win” a discussion like that, you just show people they are wasting time trying to speak to you.
· 6 years ago
I agree, the message doesn’t get delivered overnight. Hence my first comment that he should experience sufficient repercussions as to fully understand the impact of his actions. But be labeled a sexual predator and be stabbed? Absolutely not.
18 in my opinion is too old. The age should be 17 or 16. But we, as a communal society have set that bar at 18. It’s effectively a “grace period” we set for each other. And it’s universally applicable. We can go back and forth on this all day, but if a girl pulled a guys underwear down, all the keyboard warrior present can pretend that incident would be treated the same way. It would not, and we all know it.
I was prepared to have a civil discussion with Sinderalla. But apparently the girls actions were “extreme” but valid? Yeah, sorry, you lost me there.
· 6 years ago
And sorry, I responded to quickly. I didn’t see your second comment until after I’d posted mine.
Perfect. So if all I’ve done is to alienate a Feminazi and a SJW and they’ll “never speak to me again” that sounds like the dream. If you could just show me how to make that work for your entire sect of hyper-politically correct victims, that would be ideal.
I agree that in my opinion they were not prudent or proportional. Her FEELINGS were valid. I can understand wanting to stab him. I can understand even lashing out at him in anger or humiliation or feeling violated. That doesn’t make it acceptable to do. If someone steals credit for my idea at work I might FEEL like stabbing them, if someone sleeps with my partner I might FEEL like stabbing them- but I have to control myself and be more than my emotions because I’m not an animal. I live in a society. So I understand her emotions and think that the circumstances should factor in to action against her. She likely could use coinciding for both the effects of the incident as well as self control issues, and she needs resources and to be aware of them that actually work efficiently to deal with such incidents so she doesn’t have to be a vigilante. He may we’ll be deserving of the label sexual predator. I suppose it depends on the motivation. He doesn’t deserve to be labeled that for life....
... he did what he did and has to own that. He committed a sexual crime. Or- allegedly. If proven guilty of such crime he would be a sexual offender. In 1,5,10,30 years he might not be. Once his punishment is served and assuming he doesn’t commit another then he would no longer be a sexual criminal. That’s how the system is supposed to work.
@shikharizard- I responded to quickly to see you out your dick in your own mouth. Here is was actually believing your spiel about having actual intentions at reasonable conversation. You got me. I don’t see myself as an SJW and if you do that tells me a lot about how extreme your views are. I recant and apologize for the insult- but not enough to erase it. I sometimes forget that some people have hard roads, and that you are still but a child. So- hopefully you’ll heed these words before you grow up because they’ll help. It isn’t about political correctness. It’s about understanding that other people actually have feelings too- just like you. They might just feel differently about certain things. What bothers them may not bother you and vice versa. They want to live and laugh and love. Be happy and feel good. So with a little effort from everyone, we can all have those things we see as important and live our way while respecting others. It’s respect see? I can’t teach you respect...
... in this forum, but I can see it’s not something you place much value in- even if you think you might and will inevitably offer up that you do, but you dont see this or that as respect and blah blah. If you want to get SJW’s and feninazis to not talk to you anymore- it’s easy and I will tell you the secret. There are two ways:
1. Show other people some basic respect- don’t argue you do or you show it those who earn it blah blah. You don’t. Neither I nor Sinderalla disrespected you before you went off.
2. Shut your shit chute of a mouth and no one will have any reason to talk to you since it’s obvious that you probably aren’t going to attract people on looks, personality, your great success in life, or anything else. If you don’t speak- people will likely leave you alone.
What a shame hat would be though- as the world is made better through diverse perspectives. Maybe you could instead just work on how you present yours?
*to be clear- I am not angry- I’m showing you respect. Your chosen communication style appears to be insults and swears. I could not preach you respecting others ways if I didn’t also make an effort to respect your ways. So in the spirit of mutual respect I have adopted your style of communication as best I am able.
I dunno about that last line guest_. You could have added the same "go fuck yourself" to him that he used early on in his attempt at civil discussion. Might need to step up your imitation game.
I mean- I want to be respectful of his ways but I also don’t want to risk cultural appropriation....
· 6 years ago
Sorry, I read the first few sentences, then I realized you really are an SJW and I skipped the rest. Sure, I have my dick in my mouth. Sure, I'm extreme. Sure, I'll go ahead and say it for both of you: I can go fuck myself. Sticks and stones children.
This is my problem with you people. I'm NOT extreme. I'm logical, and not a fucking victim, in all things, everyday, all the time. Obviously it's just me, and obviously, in my tremendous disrespectful, extremeness- WE will not be able to have a civil discussion without all of you losing your shit.
I'm try not to lose sleep over it.
Cut and print. Take notes on how to be cool. Remember everyone: this guy takes the high road. He was just tying to have a civil discussion by being the first to start swearing at everyone and then calling anyone with a different opinion a moron or a social crusader. Then you have to logically explain it isn’t about how dumb they are and how they should go fuck themsleves your position, then when called out, be uneffected and aloof and then say it doesn’t matter anyway because it’s all beneath you. Bravo freindo. I like how the first guy to pop off with insults and swears is the one who says the people he lost his shit too are the reason WE can’t have a discussion as civilized folk. I can see someone has memorized their signed copy of mein kampf. Gas lighting done right. I’m glad to see it isn’t a lost art. I’m also glad you won’t lose any sleep little one, as it seems like somebody could use a nappy cause they is cranky. Best of luck on that.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
1/2 I read this one. You should take notes: cool, calm AND collected. You also misspelled friendo. But it sounds like you hate me so, I guess it doesn't matter.
Perhaps "this guy" has had enough of arguing with SJWs and self-victimizing fools to recognize that he's wasting his time, but that could just as easily be a cop out. I guess we'll never know. Cultural appropriation? That's not even a fucking thing.
I clearly started my second response to Sinderella with "we're never going to agree" - so for the record, as long as you guys want to be bleeding-hearts to cater to every person with a new made-up hardship- no I will not be participating in that. I come from a professional background - one that's taken over my life - that clearly calls for a hard stop on allowing negativity or victimhood into my life or my thoughts.
· 6 years ago
2/2 So yeah.. I have to call things here. If that tbag guy comes back, I have an obligation to drown him in his own filth- and I will. But I'm not getting dragged into your swamp of self-pity. You guys can wallow in social discourse about the gender-identity spectrum, or misandristic feminism, or non-meritocratic affirmative-action, and I will, every time, to a fault, proclaim my own superiority to that bullshit, and walk away. I don't have the time, the inclination, or appropriate degree of stupidity to contest or defeat any of you in those debates. In most cases we're arguing over whimsical problems that aren't even real, but to each their own. You'll drag me down to your level, and hammer me with your experience, and I'll pass on that.
Also, for the record, I'm obligated to say that as these posts often do digress, I'm not referring to the original meme. That's not made-up, that's quite valid.
@shikharizard- I don’t hate you. I was a kid once too. I was likely too rough on you, but that’s because at first I didn’t realize you were younger. Maybe you’ll change your views, maybe you won’t. It would be a boring world if we all thought the same anyway. It’s very hopeful that while you might choose to keep some of the rough edges that you might polish them up with experience. Mods aren’t an ever present force on these boards like some- people argue, sometimes throw insults or get upset. It’s human. But I would ask that you show some respect to other users even if you disagree. There’s a whole community here of different people from all ages and all lives from all over the world who manage to more or less get along civilly and voice their opinions without sounding like some of the rabid guests who pop in from time to time.
@guest_ thank you for defending me as I was away and was truly shaken after I read that horrible's person's desire to stab me over mere comments on the internet.
In addition, I said extreme I never said valid. This post is not good for me to look at anymore so peace out.
@sinderella- No worries. Not that I think you can’t defend yourself- but I really didn’t appreciate the way you were spoken to so I’m sorry to jump in like that. I’m also sorry for the negative experience you had in this thread. I’m sorry for the language in this one- and that you were spoken to that way. Regardless of what you said the response was uncalled for. It’s FUN substance though- so hopefully you find yourself in some threads that are more fun and maybe.. at least 50% less threats- but let’s hope for 100%.
DON'T BE SORRY!! No one ever EVER defends me and it really made me feel less threatened to see that someone cared enough to stand up for me. I really appreciate it and thank you for being the amazing person you are <3 Also I just realized you're a user and not a guest- super clever! XD
Lol. It does occasionally cause confusion. I was a guest here years ago just browsing until someone suggested I join. I was a guest so long that well.... No thanks necessary - You seem like a cool person. Some people are full of self rage and hate and it pours out of them in every direction. They just look for ways to try and make other people as miserable as they are. That’s not on you- but they will try to unload that anger and hurt they feel and drag you down too. Keep your chin up and don’t let those sorts of people stop you from shining brightly. For all they would try and destroy the light, with a little luck it’s that same light that someday will guide them from the darkness. Until they are ready though they’ll hate the light because it shines on them and lets them see who they really are. Shine brightly in life, and my sincere hopes that you not need defending often- but should you ever that you won’t find yourself alone.
Thank you for your kind words <3 I appreciate knowing there are allies and wonderful people on here/out in the world. It's something I'm truly not used to and is a lovely surprise after such a terrible one.
· 6 years ago
@sinderella *cough* Ask him out for coffee *cough*...
Yet, when a young woman moves out of her youth, and stops being a narcissistic body-shaming bitch, and walks amongst us as a well-adjusted, healthy, mature individual, we don't get up in arms and hold her youth against her. But a 17-year old boy, doing what 17-year old boys do is a sexual predator for life, and deserves to get stabbed? Go fuck yourself.
18 in my opinion is too old. The age should be 17 or 16. But we, as a communal society have set that bar at 18. It’s effectively a “grace period” we set for each other. And it’s universally applicable. We can go back and forth on this all day, but if a girl pulled a guys underwear down, all the keyboard warrior present can pretend that incident would be treated the same way. It would not, and we all know it.
I was prepared to have a civil discussion with Sinderalla. But apparently the girls actions were “extreme” but valid? Yeah, sorry, you lost me there.
Perfect. So if all I’ve done is to alienate a Feminazi and a SJW and they’ll “never speak to me again” that sounds like the dream. If you could just show me how to make that work for your entire sect of hyper-politically correct victims, that would be ideal.
1. Show other people some basic respect- don’t argue you do or you show it those who earn it blah blah. You don’t. Neither I nor Sinderalla disrespected you before you went off.
2. Shut your shit chute of a mouth and no one will have any reason to talk to you since it’s obvious that you probably aren’t going to attract people on looks, personality, your great success in life, or anything else. If you don’t speak- people will likely leave you alone.
What a shame hat would be though- as the world is made better through diverse perspectives. Maybe you could instead just work on how you present yours?
This is my problem with you people. I'm NOT extreme. I'm logical, and not a fucking victim, in all things, everyday, all the time. Obviously it's just me, and obviously, in my tremendous disrespectful, extremeness- WE will not be able to have a civil discussion without all of you losing your shit.
I'm try not to lose sleep over it.
Perhaps "this guy" has had enough of arguing with SJWs and self-victimizing fools to recognize that he's wasting his time, but that could just as easily be a cop out. I guess we'll never know. Cultural appropriation? That's not even a fucking thing.
I clearly started my second response to Sinderella with "we're never going to agree" - so for the record, as long as you guys want to be bleeding-hearts to cater to every person with a new made-up hardship- no I will not be participating in that. I come from a professional background - one that's taken over my life - that clearly calls for a hard stop on allowing negativity or victimhood into my life or my thoughts.
Also, for the record, I'm obligated to say that as these posts often do digress, I'm not referring to the original meme. That's not made-up, that's quite valid.
In addition, I said extreme I never said valid. This post is not good for me to look at anymore so peace out.