Speaking of which, I was thinking of posting articles like this every once in a while, pointing out stupidity and what not. Something like Daily Dose Of Insanity (DDOI), but probably not daily. Whatcha think?
What in the hell.... Who looks at their kid and goes "you're the wrong gender. I'm going to cut you up and put you on hormones for the rest of your life."
A child is not a bloody fashion accessory you abject morons.
These people give the anti-vaxxors a run for their money..
actually, a quest below cited it for someone else.
sadly, it is true.
People who prefer one gender over the other (yes unfortunately people like this exist) have done and fought for this to happen. It is a sad world. The majority of the time the mother is the one interested in the change of their child and sadly they can do this without the father's approval. It has happened before and will continue until they find some regulation for these clinics and doctors to follow.
That's the opposite of my experience from being one of those who fought alongside the transgender community on this for the last decade. The parents are quite often the opposition, there are exceptions of course. Either way gender dysphoria in children is a well established phenomenon and the guidelines are quite strict. Tavistock as an example have less than 100 patients and while blockers, which have a reversible effect, have been prescribed to children younger than 16 who does not want to go through puberty there is no one who surgically alters children's bodies as is often implied in these allegations.
You can only reverse the effects of blockers so much
An awful lot of physiological and psychological damage can be done in puberty, and it can be very hard to rectify that
The fact that under-16’s were given hormones is absolutely reprehensible
Unfortunately this is very true. Daily mail has an article on it: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6897269/Workers-transgender-clinic-quit-concerns-unregulated-live-experiments-children.html
@famousone whaddya reckon?
A child is not a bloody fashion accessory you abject morons.
These people give the anti-vaxxors a run for their money..
sadly, it is true.
An awful lot of physiological and psychological damage can be done in puberty, and it can be very hard to rectify that
The fact that under-16’s were given hormones is absolutely reprehensible