Step one, break up
Step B. get someone (preferably a cop if it's an option) to supervise them getting their stuff and leaving or you getting your stuff and leaving
STEP 4: block on everything
Q; profit
The only thing I can remotely relate to is the not arguing back part. When you disagree with your SO and you argue against them but they immediately adapt to your opinion just to avoid an argument, I really don't like that either. I really wanna see that they also have a personality and stand behind their views, even if that might cause a fight.
I lived seven minutes away from home. I got home nine minutes after my shift ended and she demanded to know who I was talking to. I had simply left a couple of minutes late; I wasn't talking to anyone... She was convinced I was cheating on her and went into a full, three-day meltdown.
Congratulations, you definitely WERE in an abusive relationship. Wtf is wrong with these people. Just because they suffer from crippling insecurity and self-entitlement is no reason to take it out on other people they claim to care about
About as bad as my ex, she accused me of sleeping with any female coworkers I had, even got me fired once by showing up she had walked 4 miles, and creating a scene. (mind you I was in my mid twenties and all my female coworkers where old enough to be my mother/grandmother which doesn't appeal to me period I'm no granny chaser!)
Step B. get someone (preferably a cop if it's an option) to supervise them getting their stuff and leaving or you getting your stuff and leaving
STEP 4: block on everything
Q; profit
Sounds... realistic.