Google has an option that allows you to call regular phones from their services. It would come up werid on caller I'd, but so long as the person you want to call will answer it you can talk. They won't be able to call you back, but its something.
Payphones are actually really uncommon nowadays. I assume @purplepumpkin does not have any in her [or his, I'm not 100% here] area.
Also, payphones are usually expensive to talk for any real duration. I assume @purplepumpkin doesn't have excess money to buy a new phone, probably doesn't want to spend money on a payphone either.
we have plenty of internet cafes with low call phone services, like 5c a min to call anywhere in the world. crazy how some 1st world places are 3rd world infrastructured
I've never thought of it like this, but yes you make a point.
To explain further, I'm living in a really small village for a few months. They have one bakery, one tiny grocery store that doesn't even sell ham, milk or non frozen meat, a church and medieval abbey that doubles as museum and spme tourists shops. But they don't have internet cafes here. (My parent's village is a bit bigger but still no internet cafe, and their library does have a computer with internet access but it's only open from 2 to 3 pm on Tuesdays.)
Also, payphones are usually expensive to talk for any real duration. I assume @purplepumpkin doesn't have excess money to buy a new phone, probably doesn't want to spend money on a payphone either.
To explain further, I'm living in a really small village for a few months. They have one bakery, one tiny grocery store that doesn't even sell ham, milk or non frozen meat, a church and medieval abbey that doubles as museum and spme tourists shops. But they don't have internet cafes here. (My parent's village is a bit bigger but still no internet cafe, and their library does have a computer with internet access but it's only open from 2 to 3 pm on Tuesdays.)