I think it came out that the dude was lyinh about the towing company and that it was someone else's. Apparently they were trying to send hate to the actual owner. Unfortunately it worked, and has really fucked with the reviews.
Cuz he thinks its not a "real" sport. They won't bash on chess tournaments because it's not a "sport" but honestly it should be called one at this point.
People who rely on pure physicality will never understand mental exercise. It is comparable to physical exercise, except, the limits are usually so much higher. The willfully ignorant will continue to be so.
@garlog It wasn’t an ego-stroking session. I was simply stating the limits of the mind surpass limits of the body, and people who only focus on the physical can’t understand that. What’s your beef?
Ok, well if making a simple observation makes me arrogant, then I’m a big arrogant stew. Jesus, man...what nipped you in the ass? I never claimed to know everything. I don’t know how much I don’t know. I’m just as ignorant as the next person. I think you need to learn to recognize the difference and save us all the headache. Is it really your duty to “make sure” I sound arrogant? What a wonderful responsibility you’ve taken on for the rest of us, you big hero.
@garlog Do you want to quit bullying people? If anyone sounds like an arrogant arse, it’s you, mate. @1_puma I don’t know why people are afraid of information, but I commend you for sticking up for yourself. Garlog can rightly fuck himself.
You’re going out of your way to call someone arrogant, when they were just observing something. Now, you’re being all pouty that your opinion wasn’t accepted objectively by everyone. Sorry, mate, I think you’re simply wrong. Accept and move on.
@garlog Trust me, I wasn’t ignoring your implication. I was combatting it. I’m not sure if you’re having a bad day, or week, but maybe take a breather?
I said he sounded arrogant, not that he was arrogant, and he wasn't observing something he was stating an opinion.
It took, like, 130 seconds over three days to type and post these comments, there isn't really a point in attempting to gauge my mood based on them.
You seemed rather adamant but I’m tired of this conversation, and I’m gonna just go ahead and forget that it exists. This was a misunderstanding at best. Have a good one, dude.
I said he sounded arrogant, not that he was arrogant, and he wasn't observing something he was stating an opinion.
It took, like, 130 seconds over three days to type and post these comments, there isn't really a point in attempting to gauge my mood based on them.