It’s called evolution! As time moves forward things change/ become better suited towards their new environment, and all the old creatures who can’t handle change die off! I mean c’mon what would King James II have said about disco?
If you stop looking for music you like, and only listen to popular media, you'll get the idea that music turned into something you dislike. I like death and black metal. There's plenty of it, and really good and new stuff too. You just have to look for it.
· 5 years ago
Sooo true. I've been a music enthusiast for some 40 years and it was always mainly crap, but it has become so much easier to find the great little niche artists all over the world and at the same time have pretty much unlimited access to contemporary classics.
Well, MTV was one of the reasons for it to go to hell.
But the positive side is that today you only have to switch off the radio and ignore the 'recommendations' of streaming sites and you can easily search and find good music. Pepperidge Farm remembers going to record stores, browsing some hundred records and CDs just to find that one gem...
· 5 years ago
Also there's a lot of sources to buy independent and alternative music straight from the artist, like eg. emusic or bandcamp and places like gnod to find new stuff based on what you like already, like spotify or youtube algorithms just without trying to sell you stuff.
But the positive side is that today you only have to switch off the radio and ignore the 'recommendations' of streaming sites and you can easily search and find good music. Pepperidge Farm remembers going to record stores, browsing some hundred records and CDs just to find that one gem...