If they’re meeting any of my exes they did find someone special. They’re someone special who an ongoing romantic relationship between them and me wasn’t practical or desirable any longer. Hopefully whatever didn’t work between us works for both of them and they can make each other very happy. Personally I’d find it a waste of time to be in a relationship with someone who wasn’t special, and if I frequently felt that way about my exes I might ponder on why that was the case.
If they are meeting mine I honestly hope they have a good lawyer. Because 1 I met who didn't tell me he was married till we were together for 3 months. Last I heard he was on his 3rd marriage. When I broke up with him after he told me it was his first marriage. I dated a guy who later found out he was gay. Turns out he only dated me because he hoped I would have sex so he could see if he was gay or not. And he is on his 3rd marriage as well for cheating and another ex went to prison for being a pedophile (Thank God that happen after we already was broken up because I would of killed him if he tried it while we were together). I do have a few that were good. I dated one who worked as a zoologist. He worked with tigers. He even sent me a tiger whisker. Another one was very nice but we broke up because my family moved. One I dated for 4 yrs but he died.
I guess my ex's are about 50/50 good and bad.
I guess my ex's are about 50/50 good and bad.
Maybe you should just grow up and get over it.