I don't know about other legal systems but in Sweden hate crime legislation started after WWII with anti-Semitism and have since been expanded to include other groups. The groups defined are always minorities in some way. Eg Jewish, LGBTQ+, non white etc. Hating on white people in the context of Western culture is simply not a hate crime since we're in the majority here.
Majority groups simply cannot be considered the target of hate crimes since the definition of hate crimes is contextual as expressing hate by a majority towards a minority. One such problematic area is expressing (some) men's hatred towards women since women are considered to large a group to be the target of hate crimes.
Somebody's thinking like a collectivist
I'll let you know right now @karlboll that kind of thinking is deeply, deeply flawed
Not to mention murderous if you go far enough (look up the 6 millions Ukrainians killed in the 1930's, which you weren't taught about in school)
Justice should always be on the individual level
He's right regarding Swedish law. But I agree with all my heart, legitimizing hatred against any group paves the way for limitations of individual rights. And the limitation/removal of individual rights is how many, many historical atrocities started.
So, by that logic, it's okay to go to like Uganda, call everyone the N word, and beat the shit out of them because they're the majority there? Am I getting that right?
As a Swedish citizen I felt the need to check this. Hate crimes are defined in Swedish law Ch 16, clause 8 as follows (translation mine from lagen.nu): "threats or violence against an ethnic group or group based on race, skin color, nationality, ethnic origin, faith, sexual orientation, sexual identification or expression is judged persecution of an ethnic group and is punishable by incarceration for up to 2 years or (for minor offences) by fines. For gross offences, the judgement is gross persecution of ethnic groups, and is punishable by incarceration for min 6 months and max 4 years." So in fact Swedish law does not distinguish between minorities and majorities, as I originally thought. However, the organisation BRĂ…, which records crime statistics, has only started recording hate crimes against majorities from 2009.
During my 20+ years here, majorities have sadly been & are free game for criticism. Swedish nationalism/patriotism has been taboo up until about 10 yrs ago.
@wasserstern I'm not sure what your point is
I've looked up the issue of millions of Ukrainians dying as a result of dekulakisation and the only thing I may have been mistaken about was that the figure is actually closer to 7 million
And yes @famousone I am referring to the Holodomor. Thanks, I'd forgotten what it was called
Now you can read about Kazakhstan and many others regions of eastern europe of 1930 yy with ergot epidemic and ergotism causes of great starvation and deaths of toxic
It IS real
Majority groups simply cannot be considered the target of hate crimes since the definition of hate crimes is contextual as expressing hate by a majority towards a minority. One such problematic area is expressing (some) men's hatred towards women since women are considered to large a group to be the target of hate crimes.
I'll let you know right now @karlboll that kind of thinking is deeply, deeply flawed
Not to mention murderous if you go far enough (look up the 6 millions Ukrainians killed in the 1930's, which you weren't taught about in school)
Justice should always be on the individual level
During my 20+ years here, majorities have sadly been & are free game for criticism. Swedish nationalism/patriotism has been taboo up until about 10 yrs ago.
Look up the 6 millions Ukrainians killed in the 1930's, which you weren't taught about in school (c)
go to school and learn history again
I've looked up the issue of millions of Ukrainians dying as a result of dekulakisation and the only thing I may have been mistaken about was that the figure is actually closer to 7 million
And yes @famousone I am referring to the Holodomor. Thanks, I'd forgotten what it was called