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· 5 years ago
I will take apart my room till I found the money and not clean lmfao
· 5 years ago
Thats how I find the shit in my room if I ever need to.
· 5 years ago
Not worth it. I like my mess
· 5 years ago
I'd be able to tell what was moved, and if she did it while I were home I'd also use the footsteps. If neither worked, I'd recall what she was complaining most about. I'd find it in less than 2 minutes.
· 5 years ago
Y'all are missing how crafty some people are. You would tear your room apart. Won't be able to find it. Ask mom where it is again. Mom says you need to clean the room, then you will find it. You go looking again, this time in hard to reach places. No luck. Maybe Mom has magically made this money impossible to find until the room is clean? But how? Only one way to find out. You clean your room. But. You still can't find it. Wth? Alexa, call Mom. "You said it would be there" "is your room clean?" "Yes" "I don't believe you. Send nud--i mean pics". *You send pics (of your room).* "Well done, Anon" "where's the cash money, mom?" "In the living room behind the stereo" The Stereo is playing Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick, bc Mom programmed Alexa before she left. But she is correct. There is the money. Crafty Mom. Then you stop feeling so angsty and are super grateful your parents can support you with large sums of money when they leave. The end.