I’m not saying it isn’t noble, admirable, commendable. But like... “the ultimate sacrifice..” I ummm... the whole point is that they are old enough that it is extremely unlikely that they would die from radiological induced cancer before they died of other causes. I certainly wouldn’t call it the greatest sacrifice, and one may question if it is much more a sacrifice than painting your friends garage. There’s a calculated risk there- we could call it that- that one might potentially get leukemia in 2-9 years or start getting cancer at 70+ and perhaps die at 75-80. Given the average lifespan in Japan is a hair over 80 years old- you are potentially forfeiting the last 10 years of your life or taking on additional health problems in your last years.
So I’m just saying- it is selfless thinking. These guys should be applauded and respected for stepping up to do a job that they are perhaps the best people for, especially when/if they didn’t have to or had no personal benefit other than perhaps a feeling of doing “right.” I’m all for that, and I’m all for celebrating them placing their selves in the oath of potential harm to protect others. We need more of that in the world. I’m merely saying that I don’t agree with the use of language here.
They don't even bother because they "won't be around to experience the consequences"
Bonus points if they then go on to claim they're all about the family values and how much they love their kids and grandkids. Clearly not enough to make a tiny lifestyle change to slow down the decay of the planet.
To be fair, most pollution is still done by corporations. But that doesn't mean individual responsibility doesn't exist.
Bonus points if they then go on to claim they're all about the family values and how much they love their kids and grandkids. Clearly not enough to make a tiny lifestyle change to slow down the decay of the planet.
To be fair, most pollution is still done by corporations. But that doesn't mean individual responsibility doesn't exist.
In Japanese pop culture, radiation is making monsters.