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· 5 years ago
Peralta!!! Is that you
· 5 years ago
Don't be a dick, Judas. This is why no one shalt love you.
· 5 years ago
That’s why Jesus gave a new command, love other as I have loved you
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
The passage this is from says in paraphrase: “Here’s TWO important commandments....” this is the second. The first was to love God with all your heart. In Christianity you cannot love god if you do not love yourself for you are created from god and to hate yourself is to hate the work of god. So the logic is faulty not clever. FIRST you must “love god with all your heart” which requires self love. THEN you must love your neighbor as you love yourself.
· 5 years ago
Or here’s an example: the flight safety handbook on a plane- if we use old timey words- says “pit the mask on a child as you would yourself...” so if you want to die- don’t? No. Should you put your mask on right at takeoff? NO. Because that’s skipping steps. It first says: “in an EMERGENCY” so it’s specified that, given you the steps to put it on- and said “FIRST- put your mask on yourself.” If you ignore the rest of the steps yeah- you could assume if you don’t put your own mask on then you don’t have to put on someone else’s- but the steps there are intended as orders- commands. Not suggestions.