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· 4 years ago
Accidentally? Does that happen?
· 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
Right? To me this looks like it is either a person with a weak command of language, or someone who is VERY skilled in language and the art of propaganda. Falsify- to alter something or distort it to mislead.... the STRONG implications behind the word are that the falsification requires INTENT as opposed to making a mistake or faulty recollection. Saying woken should be accountable for rape accusations they make in earnest belief is problematic and controversial. By phrasing the nefarious and malicious “falsify” with the seemingly paradoxical “accidentally” we’ve either likely made a mistake of English- or chosen our words carefully to create a soft in to introduce and spread the idea that any rape that is overturned should be seen as a malicious act by women and penalized.
· 4 years ago
It’s easier to accept the idea that “falsified” rape cases should penalize an accuser (ignore how we prove intent or how the ability to bring counter suit against an accuser could impact the ability of survivors to come forward...) the only way I can see legitimately “accidentally falsifying” either the most unlikely conglomeration of circumstance- or if we are taking about some sort of action of the subconscious- like the person has some kind of mental “hiccup” or something and doesn’t realize they intentionally are being deceitful? Kinda like how some people “self sabotage” in life because of issues they have but don’t realize it? That of course is dicey though because is a subconscious behavior intentional? As said- unless someone has another solid theory- I think it’s poor understanding/use of English- or VERY precise and crafted propaganda.
· 4 years ago
I read it as an attempt to communicate "falsely accuse." Taken at its face value, "accidentally falsify" does seem pretty impossible and/or criminal
· 4 years ago
As a woman under a lot of stress and pressure screw that, I’m not gonna pretend someone raped me like that makes anything better. What a stuuuupid excuse and I hope that anyone that pulls off something that terrible gets caught and punished for it
· 4 years ago
"Accidentally" ruin a man's reputation, freedom, employment, family? Criminally stupid.
· 4 years ago
Depends. A man robs you. The police bring you in for a line up or have you testify in court. “Yup. That’s the guy that did it.” Except... it isn’t. You now played your part in ruining this man’s reputation- his life. If he ever gets exonerated... should you go to jail for that? “Accidentally falsify...” the closest that comes to making sense is to translate it as “mistake the details...” So what happens to the justice system if the accuser of a crime faces punishment if they make a mistake? Criminal negligence is a real thing- you can be so dumb it’s a crime. But.... fortunately for most of us (since pretty much everyone makes mistakes and trauma victims/eye witnesses are consistently statistically inaccurate) it’s not a crime to be wrong.
· 4 years ago
... well....on the internet it seems like it’s a crime to admit one was wrong- but desires that.