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· 5 years ago
Yay, some classic Sailor Moon. Sailor Jupiter lookin' fine as always.
· 5 years ago
That's a child
· 5 years ago
Well, she's also not real... but somehow that never seems to matter.
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· 5 years ago
don't lewd the dragon loli
· 5 years ago
I’m not saying I approve of disapprove- and we can get into strange territory with animation since a character you ha e a crush on as a child can be older than you- but won’t age and so as you age that can get weird. It also certainly doesn’t help that many styles of animation don’t impart underage looks on underage characters- but like I said- that’s a discussion I’m not here for. What I did want to say is just a sort of odd factoid.
· 5 years ago
In Japan the age of consent federally is 13. Each prefecture can have its own law (which go up to 18) but major cities like Tokyo have it around 16. US citizen are still bound by US law abroad- so it is still a crime America can prosecute an American for even if it is legal in Japan- but by Japanese federal law Sailor Jupiter is a consenting adult by the time she first appears- and as of the shows ending (not counting scenes in the “future” etc-) she is 17- meaning in many US states, and federally depending on the partners age- sho would also be considered an adult.
· 5 years ago
Of course in literal terms she’s almost 30... but she’s still characterized as underage and if she was a real human... Well.... it’s a bit of a philosophical question isn’t it? If magic or science could put the mind of an adult in the body of an adolescent- what would be the ruling? Mentally they are an adult.... but if my romantic partner got transformed into a child/teen it would at the very least be the end of our romantic/sexual relationship until and maybe even after they had reached maturity. A man my age sees even 20 year olds more like children physically. So to me- the idea of sleeping with a college age kid is somewhat uncomfortable.
· 5 years ago
Ah, nostalgia.