But it has to be spoke as that goes better with croak, even though speak goes with creek... just because of the song the riff is from and where it rhymes! I went towards speak before spoke as well...
Whatever, let's use them for different choruses and do both through the song... why not :D
Wait wait wait... I got another! <_<d
Country toads, call me home
To the stream I belong,
Swamp and willows, softer waters,
Call me home, country toads.
I heard the call this morning
Right outside my window, loud and clear through my ears
Driving by the other day the bog, realizing I should've croaked yesterday, yesterdayyy
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home
Our princess
'Nother castle.
Oh god damn it!
Eight more worlds.
Country toads,
Here we go!
To the stream I belong
Trees and shrubs
Country toads, hear me croak
To the stream of which I spoke
Trees and shrubs
Country toads, hear me croak
Whatever, let's use them for different choruses and do both through the song... why not :D
Country toads, call me home
To the stream I belong,
Swamp and willows, softer waters,
Call me home, country toads.
Right outside my window, loud and clear through my ears
Driving by the other day the bog, realizing I should've croaked yesterday, yesterdayyy
To the stream of which I spoke
Trees and shrubs
Country toads, hear me croak