the sun isnt relevent to the messurement of a day except that it indirectly affects the rotation of the earth. if we wanna be really pedantic like this post is being a day could very well be the amount of time it arbitrarily took "god" to spin 360 while doing god things.
Theres also other texts that point out how one day for God is like a thousand years for mankind. So I guess if we applied the passing of time rather than the rotations around the sun.. it quit possibly took around 4,000 years for everything to fall into place with the sun and the remaining thousands to complete the 7 days
Yes. Deuteronomy 32:4: "He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he."
Therefore, if he fucked up, he was wrong and he's not God.
a work being perfect doesnt mean it didnt have a process of becoming perfect, just that the end product is perfect. Doing no wrong also doesnt have anything to do with his works it has to do with him being morally correct 100% of the time.
There kinda this whole, "I kinda fucked up watching y'all, time to reset the world with a flood." deal.
Therefore, if he fucked up, he was wrong and he's not God.