i did read about this somewhere, seems it's the other guests that were more concerned about it. I just wouldn't include her in any of the official photos.
My mom wanted to wear a black wedding dress and have everyone show up in white. Her mom told her if she did that she disown her and refuse to show up to the wedding. So she went traditional white dress.
When my mom was about 53 she got to see her parents long lost wedding album. My grandmother was a pack-rat/hoarder so they knew she still had it but where was the problem.
My mom looked at the picture of my grandmother standing at the alter and laughed. There was my grandmother in a bright RED dress with a RED hat and RED feather trim!!!
Lmfao my grandmother was already gone for a few years when we found the book. My mom was livid mad lol she said ARE YOU KIDDING ME I WANTED A BLACK ELEGANT DRESS AND SHE STRUTS THE AILE IN A RED DRESS WITH FEATHERS???
Thing was my mom didn’t know and I think none of my grandmother’s kids knew what I knew. When my grandmother was proposed to she was dating 2 guys lol and she had been with them both. (separate of course lol)
Actually when I was about 19 I used to help take care of my grandmother around 5 days a week. She had Alzheimer’s and at that time she had good days and bad days. Good days I would ask her all sort of stuff about her life.
One good day I asked how did my grandpa Daddy Sam Propose to her?
She said she was out on a date with him and they were parked at the river (when she said river she gave me a look like
(0.o )
( o.0)
and just before he was going to drive me home he said I can’t live one more day without knowing you will be mine and only mine. Will you put me out of my misery and marry me? He gave her a little silver ring with a small diamond chip in it. She said I will have to tell you tomorrow I need to speak to Wilson first.
The next day I went to Wilson after class and spoke to him. (By the way Wilson was not his first name it as his last. She was dating her teacher!!!)
I told him Wilson last night Sam proposed to me.
He stammered and asked did you say yes?
She said No I didn’t I told him I would speak to you first.
He said Don’t marry him I will marry you! Please marry me? I make more than he does you won’t have to work or clean. He only works at the steel mill.
She said WILSON NOW STOP! I am going to marry Sam I love him and that is that. I just thought I should tell you before I say yes.
Than she left him crying and went to go tell my grandfather she will marry him.
Lol I asked her how close was she with Wilson and she said as close as I wanted to be. And more than my father knew.
My sweet Sunday school church piano playing grandmother was a heartbreaking floozy. Lol
She was lol she could make you feel like god scooped you up in his arms she made you feel that warm and safe.
But she also could give you a look so cold you would sworn the Devil had a firm grip around your heart squeezing it with every breath you take as he poured lava down your throat.
She loved unconditionally but didn’t take shit from nobody lol
My mom always said I was just like my grandmother lol
So apparently the reason is that the mother-in-law saw the dress on sale for very cheap and couldn't resist. Which, I mean okay, I get that the need to show off your discounted stuff is prominent in our very consumerist culture, but wearing a wedding dress to somebody else's wedding is kind of a bad call tbh. First of all hasn't she ever heard of thrifting? You can get beautiful dresses in great shape for so cheap, cheaper than any discount in a mainstream store. Second of all, you can also dye things, just yeet it in the washing machine with some dye and you have a beautiful dress that doesn't look like a wedding dress. Like, light blue would in my opinion look very nice on that particular dress.
When my mom was about 53 she got to see her parents long lost wedding album. My grandmother was a pack-rat/hoarder so they knew she still had it but where was the problem.
My mom looked at the picture of my grandmother standing at the alter and laughed. There was my grandmother in a bright RED dress with a RED hat and RED feather trim!!!
Lmfao my grandmother was already gone for a few years when we found the book. My mom was livid mad lol she said ARE YOU KIDDING ME I WANTED A BLACK ELEGANT DRESS AND SHE STRUTS THE AILE IN A RED DRESS WITH FEATHERS???
Thing was my mom didn’t know and I think none of my grandmother’s kids knew what I knew. When my grandmother was proposed to she was dating 2 guys lol and she had been with them both. (separate of course lol)
One good day I asked how did my grandpa Daddy Sam Propose to her?
She said she was out on a date with him and they were parked at the river (when she said river she gave me a look like
(0.o )
( o.0)
and just before he was going to drive me home he said I can’t live one more day without knowing you will be mine and only mine. Will you put me out of my misery and marry me? He gave her a little silver ring with a small diamond chip in it. She said I will have to tell you tomorrow I need to speak to Wilson first.
The next day I went to Wilson after class and spoke to him. (By the way Wilson was not his first name it as his last. She was dating her teacher!!!)
I told him Wilson last night Sam proposed to me.
She said No I didn’t I told him I would speak to you first.
He said Don’t marry him I will marry you! Please marry me? I make more than he does you won’t have to work or clean. He only works at the steel mill.
She said WILSON NOW STOP! I am going to marry Sam I love him and that is that. I just thought I should tell you before I say yes.
Than she left him crying and went to go tell my grandfather she will marry him.
Lol I asked her how close was she with Wilson and she said as close as I wanted to be. And more than my father knew.
My sweet Sunday school church piano playing grandmother was a heartbreaking floozy. Lol
But she also could give you a look so cold you would sworn the Devil had a firm grip around your heart squeezing it with every breath you take as he poured lava down your throat.
She loved unconditionally but didn’t take shit from nobody lol
My mom always said I was just like my grandmother lol