Long term and regular use of laxatives can also cause long term issues- general health yes- but for those who care less for health than looks- know that long term, the effects that laxatives can have on your body can make it so that actual attempts at weight loss can become MUCH harder- almost impossible in some cases without extreme measures or surgery.
To be clear though- not all these products are laxatives. Some are various formulations designed to cause you to evacuate water. This can be diarrhea, frequent urination, etc. losing water weight is a technique used in weight class based competitive sports as well as for fitness and glamor photography to make people appear thinner and to weigh less. While not GREAT for a healthy body that is given proper recovery, long term or regular reliance on these things can also cause long term health damage and lead to metabolic changes that will ultimately hurt your attempts to “look good.”
In the US- MOST of the third common type of “belly buster” have been banned- but can still be found. In some parts of the world these third types are either available more widely- or even completely legal.
The third type of common “belly buster” is just... drugs. Either a steroid- usually an oral like clenbutetol or similar. These oral steroids can cause all the side effects of steroids- but in low doses USUALLY have mild sides- of course losing your hair, growing hair where it isn’t wanted, acne, “andro” like breasts for men or deep voices for women and more.... CAN happen and the only way to find out if YOULL have any is the hard way.. not generally helpful in the goal to “look good.”
The heath risks of steroids are numerous. I’m not here to debate or talk about the cousin that used for decades without sides. They are RISKS- known risks. Wether you have problems is luck. But orals WILL harm your liver. It’s in their nature and how they are metabolized. Jaundice will not make you look better.
Long term and even short term- steroids can and likely will harm your metabolism and make it harder to “look good” later. Bottom line is that we can argue if anyone should ever use steroids for looks or performance- but to have anything more than absolute luck to rely on for results- you need lots of knowledge, medical support like testing, and a level of discipline and commitment that means if all you want is to look “bikini ready” you could do it without the drugs if you posses the mindset and discipline to ever have a possibility at using steroids with any type of safety at all. In other words- for 99% of people and their goals- if you think you need to use steroids- you’re the last person who should touch them.
And the other is amphetamines. Speed, meth, etc. used in various forms on and off label for weight loss and pre workout supplements for well over 80 years in the West. Amphetamines are drugs that generally increase heart rate and metabolic processes. “Crack Heads” are generally portrayed as very skinny. Amphetamines give feelings of well being (to a degree but also often paranoia and other things) and energy+focus- many add meds are in the amphetamine family. They suppress appetite usually as well. Coupled together- focus, energy, lack of appetite and faster metabolism as well as other chemical changes in the body tend to allow for rapid weight loss- and so long as one maintains an effective amphetamine dose- without the general malaise and lethargy that often accompany extreme weight loss or extremely low body fat.
Sounds great? Well... not really. The moment you stop using- you lose all the “benefits” and generally will hit a “crash” where your mood and body are worse off than before you started. If you’ve used long enough- these are more extreme and will also carry withdrawal symptoms. Massive and rapid weight gain, and very possibly long term or permanent changes to your bodies metabolism- making it easier to gain weight and much harder to use. Again- lots of health risks to amphetamines including heart damage etc- but to those who only care about looking good- amphetamines tend to “age” you- make skin look dry and thin, lose elasticity. Poor circulation causes all manner of issues with hair and skin. Tooth loss can also be an issue- even if you don’t “smoke” it- as grinding and other issues are common with amphetamines.
If you couple amphetamines with steroids- the short term benefits can be boosted- but... the health risks and the damage to appearance- risks of balding, skin thinning etc- can also be boosted.
No matter what- even the ones that “work” and even ignoring side effects- any “looks in a bottle” run out quickly, and the body adapts quickly to the changes these chemicals make- so you won’t see lasting sustainable change from “working” magic elixirs- and the rest don’t work at all.
There are proven supplements, or at least anecdotally proven- creatine and l-Argenine for example. But- even these aren’t “magic pills” but something to be added (or not) to an established regiment of training and nutrition. Remember- most supplements aren’t regulated- so unless you test yours at a lab- you don’t actually know what the quality or dose is of you “saw palmetto” or if saw palmetto is even actually in the supplement at all.
The term “supplement” is telling. Alone they won’t get you anywhere (even if they work and are right for what you want to do,) they are SUPPLEMENTS to a good diet and training routine. They exist so that a person who already has their routine dialed can get a little extra out of it. And many argue that if your diet and training are TRULY dialed in- you don’t NEED supplements because you already get all the nutrition and compounds you need through your meals and training.
Never forget- these celebrities and people who “look good for a living” have PROFESSIONAL staff. They have doctors and nutritionists. They get regular blood panels. There is a tacit consent. Some “sports medicine” professionals will be open with clients. They openly discuss use of drugs and dosages- even tell their clients what to adjust for optimal results to their goals. Others- they aren’t as open- but when someone comes in with blood work that’s obviously doped requesting panels regularly and asking to screen for things that you don’t on a standard work up- they know. And generally will give advice based in the idea their patient isn’t going to change what they are doing but can do it to the “healthiest” they possibly can.
They’ll prescribe prescription meds for fighting side effects. Maybe a female fertility drug for a male who’s coming off a steroid cycle and needs post cycle recovery, perhaps something to fight gynomastia (bitch tits) or insulin, hydration IV’s, heart meds, anti coagulants- whatever they need to do to try and maintain a “balance” based on the drugs in the clients system.
It’s a guessing game and a science that the best medical minds don’t have perfected- re designing and overhauling the human body to operate with extreme levels of various hormones and transmitters and all the side effects that come with all that. The endocrine system is VERY complex and effects circle around through it, the CNS, blood and circulatory systems, lymphatic systems, heart, liver, kidneys, prostate, the brain... medical science has enough trouble with something as conceptually simply as regulating uptake in the brain to regulate mood with anti depressants- this is like that x100000.
Some people get lucky. Many do not. Your best bet is to avoid chemicals and even supplements. Being fit is simple. It’s just harder to do than to know how. Eat right- or at least decent. Be active or at least have a simple and efficient work out routine. Sleep. Drink water. Aim for the daily calorie limit and eat smaller meals.
more like "i dont hold her accountable for her actions because the voices she trusts are telling her lies while not only are the only voices telling her the truth coming from people she has not built up trust for but also the overwelming majority of voices are either apathetic towards it or encourage it."
It takes 5 seconds of research to know those pills are bad for you, and she's an adult who, I'm pretty sure, runs her own businesses or something. She's apparently competent enough to do all that, but in the same instance NOT competent enough to know she's promoting dangerous shit to people much younger than her to make money and gain likes?
Granted, it's not her job to parent any child that isn't her own, but saying she's not accountable for her actions because, again, her family is just as bad, is a very bizarre stance to take to me.
If someone I trust tells me I should encourage people to rip their fingernails out, and I go right on ahead and do that... and then keep doing that knowing it causes physical damage.. That's not on the person I trusted anymore. That's on me
there is a difference in those tho. Ripping your fingernails out is obviously abnormal and obviously harmful.
taking a pill or a "health powder" which makes you poop more and makes you poop harder or more liquid isnt obviously bad especially in a world climate where laxatives have been used as the medium for "harmless" jokes and pranks and in tv shows etc. People dont see laxatives are dangerous or bad, they seem them as just another thing and many wouldnt even give a second thought to the fact that overuse could be dangerous just like many people dont give second thought to the fact that overuse of caffeine can be harmful.
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That was a pain in the ass to read.
Granted, it's not her job to parent any child that isn't her own, but saying she's not accountable for her actions because, again, her family is just as bad, is a very bizarre stance to take to me.
If someone I trust tells me I should encourage people to rip their fingernails out, and I go right on ahead and do that... and then keep doing that knowing it causes physical damage.. That's not on the person I trusted anymore. That's on me
taking a pill or a "health powder" which makes you poop more and makes you poop harder or more liquid isnt obviously bad especially in a world climate where laxatives have been used as the medium for "harmless" jokes and pranks and in tv shows etc. People dont see laxatives are dangerous or bad, they seem them as just another thing and many wouldnt even give a second thought to the fact that overuse could be dangerous just like many people dont give second thought to the fact that overuse of caffeine can be harmful.
That was a pain in the ass to read.