Why does everybody get offended so quickly? I'm one to believe that the larger portion of America has adopted a victim mentality. This furthers the divide between reality and dilusion. On another note, I have decided that I identify as a computer and only date in binary.
I would have to say thats a gross underevaluation. The 10% of people, why do you think cancel culture is so relevant nowadays. People quickly move to a state of resistance when a fact/opinion is different from theirs or their families. In that state of resistance emotion takes hold and they feel entitled to push back against something that isn't familiar with them.
Indeed. People use their own intolerance as an excuse to attack and destroy and even justify killing people (and destroying their families and careers as well) for the crime of... not agreeing
IDC imma call everyone dood
I call my mom dude. She's annoyed but loves it.